Ultrasound at 5 weeks

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Has anyone had an ultrasound at 5 weeks? My dr did one today since I had a mc last year but we couldn't even see the sac yet. I'm freaking out, the dr said it's too soon but idk. I'm still habing all preg symptoms.


  • My doctor did one at 6 weeks and said they may not see anything because its so early. We saw just small little dot. So he's right that's early., don't worry yourself!
  • Thank you. I think I'm just over reacting.
  • what's some of your symptoms? I'm about 5 weeks too, counting from the first day of my last period..until now. I'm not for sure if I'm pregnant yet, because I took a test yesterday and I'm thinking its just too early quite yet.
  • I had a ultrasound at 5 weeks on my tummy cuz the place I went to for some reason does not do internal. All we saw was a black spot which is the sac go back when u are about 8 weeks and u will get better results. Good luck
  • @Candace- my last period was on 1/10 and my symptoms are: excess saliva, hot flashes, peeing a lot, & breast tenderness.Thank you ladies, I am keeping my fingers crossed. They did it on my tummy but I have an appt in 2 weeks and the dr also had me do tge hcg test I go back thurs pray for me:)
  • I had one at 4 weeks they saw a sac bit nothing in it and left me un the room for three hours....I was beside myself to say the least but everything was ok I am now 11 weeks 6 days baby is great
  • Oh and I am extremely tired, gas, & I hiccup a lot.
  • I think that if you would've had an internal ultrasound you would've saw more bc 5 weeks is a little early...I got an internal ultrasound at 8 weeks I saw everything perfectly. Just give it some time, the baby is in there!!!
  • I would recommend the internal ultrasound. I had one just over 5 weeks and they saw everything even though my hcg levels weren't doubling like they should. Ask for internal next time
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