people you don't know..

edited July 2011 in Baby showers
My husbands aunt and cousin are planning a shower for me in his/their hometown.. its a really small town where everyone knows everyone. Well, his cousin informed me that they will be inviting all of the old ladies from the church that he grew up in (all of his family still goes there). I've never meet any of these ladies! Her reasoning was that they knew my husband (and his mother). Will there be people at your shower that you don't know? Wth, I'm kinda weirded out by this!


  • not at my baby shower but last year at a wedding shower back in my husband's old town he grew up in. But he was there at the shower and over the past 3 years before, I had at least heard of half the people there through him or his Mom talking about them on the phone. I think it would be weird at a baby shower if it's not co-ed and him not being there.
  • But the more gifts the better, right! Lol. and old people LOVE doing anything social, especially "church ladies". :) As long is it's not a majority of strangers there. :)
  • My mom is inviting women from her work. I think I've briefly met one or two of them... But not sure. I don't mind cuz it just means more gifts. And she's throwing it so it doesn't bother me.
  • I am having a shower in my hometown, and then I am having one here in Ohio. The one in Ohio is mostly for my hubby, since all of his family live here. I don't know some of the people, but he does and he is going to be there, so I don't really see anyhting wrong with it. Just look at it this way, you are gonna get more presents, plus it is older ladies, maybe they will make a quilt or something for your baby!
  • I guess I wouldn't mind as long as I knew most of the people so I would still feel surrounded by friends and whatnot. I just wouldn't want strangers touching me.
  • Its not weird :) its a generation thing I think. For weddings, showers, baptisms etc they invite everyone they've had any kind of relationship with especially if theyve been invited to the same things over the years. So in their mind set its "we have to invite mrs blabbidy boo because she used to make you cookies as a child" lol I know had hubby and I not gotten married so quickly there would have been a shit ton of relatives and business associates invited.
    Just paste a smile on and get ready for LOTS of small talk and stories
  • edited July 2011
    All my moms friends from her German folk dancing group were at my shower...I didn't know any of them but they all bought me a whole bunch of stuff so I was happy with them coming...
  • @kalasthename German folk dancing? That's cute!
  • @blueberrysmom it is mom looks like a little Amish lady in her dress with the bloomers haha...
  • there were tons of people at my sons shower that i didnt know! not to be materialistic but they are the ones that always bring you the things that no one else does!!! old ladies are fun to be around too! i have 5 grandmothers in my life, and they all invited their friends to my shower! and it was a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be!
  • Thanks ladies! I still feel kind of weird about accepting gifts from people I don't know, but oh well. Hubs won't be there, but his cousin won't leave me hanging either, so it'll be okay! I'm glad all of ya'lls showers turned out good!
  • I'm pretty sure there will be people I don't know at my shower too bc my mom & aunts will be inviting their church lady friends too lol. Hey as long as the people you are close with are there to celebrate with you, that's all that matters. PLUS, the more people, the more presents for your baby ;-)
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