Is it too early to build a cot?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Im just so excited! I wanna build a cot already but wondering if its too early. Im 24w2d. What do u ladies think?


  • Is a cot the same thing as a crib?
  • Cot? Like a crib?
  • edited July 2011
  • Gotcha. I don't think it's too early. There's a lot to be done for setting up a nursery and getting ready for baby. might as well get the cot out of the way now.
  • @blueberrysmom yey u cheered me up! :-) my husband keep saying im crazy lol any its too early. But i cannot wait! How far along r u?
  • Haha its never too early :)
  • I'm 21 weeks with a boy. Are you in the uk? Do you know what theme you want for your nursery yet?
  • Yeah im in the uk. Im having a lil footballer too ;-) Is he yr first? I like yr picture :-) u ve got very cute doggy! Im not doing nursery for my lil yet, he is going to sleep in our bedroom for the first year and then we r hoping to move so it would be pointless. What about you?
  • I don't think it is. I'm only 20wks & not due till november 17th but after the 12th of july my fiance & I are gonna start buying the carseat, basinet, etc. I'm only 17 & don't have a job, & he is turning 18 in october & has a job & will be shipping off in the army late jan. So untill then we are short on money, & decided instead of trying to save, each paycheck we will start to buy baby stuff. I don't think its too early at all. We are just excited & getting prepared :)
  • @teeniemommy it is so exciting isnt it? We started to buy things about a month ago as well. Do u know what r u having? U r so brave and i wish u the best of luck with everything chic xx
  • Yep. I'm 40 and this is our first. It's exciting! Blueberry will sleep with us for the first few months but then I would like to move him to his own room. I'm going to set it up right away, though. I've picked everything out and just can't wait!
  • edited July 2011
    @blueberrysmom aaah thats brilliant! I looked at different themes but i just cant decide! Lol i wish i was that organized as u! Best of luck with everything xx
  • Same to you! >:D<
  • Thank u xx
  • Thank you, & no.. I find out the 12th! I'm sooo excited! We are hoping for a girl, but we wil be happy either way :) I have no clue on themes yet! >_<
  • Cot... lol funny... sorry I've never heard that
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