low heart beat?

edited July 2011 in Second Trimester
I paid for a 4d ultrasound at a local ultrasound place, and my bavys heart beat was the lowest its ever been. Normally its around 150bpm and it was 143bpm. The ultrasound tech asked me if it was always that low, now im worried and wondering if I should contact my doctor. Everything else on her looked fine though, but I also haven't been feeling her as much as I was 2 days ago.
25 weeks 1 day


  • Thats not low.my babys hb is 140. It has even been 139.its fine.
  • 143 is totally normal. The hb will vary. Don't worry.
  • Mine was 144 at 19 wks. I'm 32 wks now.
  • Mine has been anywhere from 138-150. My doctor always says its fine.
  • The baby's heartbeat can vary. My little girls heartbeat was usually in the 160's, but lately its been in the 150's and 140's. I had to go into l&d last night for possible pre term labor, (which it wasn't) but she was doing well with it in the 130's.
  • Well thank you all! I was getting worried. Lol I guess it was just the way she asked me if it was always that low. But thank you all, and congratulations to you all! :)
  • Maybe Baby Was Sleeping
  • Babys heartbeat slows down as it gets closer to d day. Also 140 isstill in normal range. Don't stress momma I bet she's just fine :)
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