Casey Anthony

edited July 2011 in Current Events
@oregonmama what did I miss?? Can you fill me in on the closing arguments and issues... just cliff notes, you don't have to spend too much detail, but I tuned in late. Ahhh! I'd appreciate it ;;)


  • oh fooey, i missed it... yea that would help me too :D
  • What??? She admitted she helped cover it up?? That's crazy! Seriously - drowning in the pool does not add up for those reasons. Casey is an awful mom and human being, no doubt and should (in my opinion) be found guilty. If she gets off the hook for everything... I don't even know, but I will NOT be happy!
  • What?! I've been asleep due to a long night with the baby
  • I think this family is really dysfunctional that they're hiding a lot. There's so many clues that point to the grandparents and casey to hiding caylees body. Like the bedding, the way she was 'buried', how he said it was an accident that just snowballed, the searches on the internet..just tooo many loose ends here
  • @oregonmama how I understood that was casey claimed to have some rich bf she was spending time with and also saying she was at universal studios with this fictional woman and her kid and casey's mom showed up at universal, called her to see caylee, and casey said oh we're in jacksonville with the rich bf. So up until right before caylee's bday she was making excuses for her parents not to see caylee. Then when she knew she was caught she stated that the nanny took off with caylee 31 days ago. Yet during those days she was "missing", casey was out being irresponsible. No way if my kid was missing would I ever go out partying. According to the prosecution casey altered her stories to suit the person she was telling the lies to. I don't think there's enough evidence to convict her for the death penalty bc it's all circumstantial and nothing concrete but def for life in prison.
  • @amyduh I think you're right. The jury's got their minds made up already and these lawyers are acting like 15 year olds.
  • Oh the whole family should be locked in a cage. Granny is the one who spearheaded the whole missing child and then turns around amd says SHE was the one who did searches on chloroform/death etc for a FRIEND..most which occured while she was at work? Unbelievable!
    Lock 'em up and let animals pick at their bodies X(
  • If she die in the pool call 911 say what happen why wait years later to say that??? her mom did not know what happen with her grandchild because if she did she would have never called the police as many times as she did... sayin it smell like a dead body and so on... if you knew your little girl was dead.. would you go out an party?? Or get a tattoo that said beautiful life?? And why keep tellin lies and lies??? I think something went wrong and after the child die she can live this life that she always wanted to live.... go to putero Rico and party and ect... like she want to..
  • I think she tryin to cover up for her daughter because she Dnt want to see her child die she already lost a grandchild...
  • I get why she would throw herself under the bus to try and save her daughter, but that's what led to this situation...casey has never has any consequences for her actions which is why she has turned into the less than stellar person she if mom gets her off the hook for murder, what is she going to do next????
  • I read somewhere on the forum that Caseys brother fathered caylee. Is that correct?
  • Omg I've been watching this on and off all day, this whole family is ridiculous , I don't think the jury will take long to come up with a verdict
  • Smh, wth? I agree! Somebody needs to be charged with something! That lil girl didn't just die on her own. Either the mom neglected her or killed her. This case is ridiculous to me. I just want it to be over and to find out what really happened to Caylee.
  • The jury is deliberating. :D
  • Did y'all see the tattoo she got AFTER the death of her child? It reads "bella vita". Translation "the good life". I think she did it the only remorse she seems to show is for herself. Scared of spending the rest of her life in prison. I just keep thinking about that poor little girl. :(
  • i feel like i am watching an overplayed out tv show and at the end the mom will go to jail and then we find out what REALLY happened. sadly, we all know that isn't true.
    obviously, i feel like she is guilty. but it's true- noting is screaming that CAsey did it. and i thought it was casey's MOM who called the police after 31 days of her grandbaby being gone?
  • It was Casey's mom who called the police after Casey finally admitted that Caylee was "missing".
  • when will they have the verdict?
  • We should meet up here and talk about this nonsense when the jury comes back tomorrow at 8:30. LOL.
  • @snowflake They deliberated for almost 6 hours today. They come back to deliberate some more tomorrow at 8:30am EDT.
  • ok thanks @fate i watched some of it earlier but missed half of what was being said cuz the kids were so loud lol
  • From someone that has watched the trial religiously for 6 weeks straightemme say that caseys mom DID NOT admit to helping cover up the death....she didn't do anything even close to that. Lol and the prosecution was the one making a mockery of The court. Jeff Ashton( lead prosecuting attorney) being admonished for making faces. Just a lil correction. :)
  • Also Bella vita means 'beautiful life' not the good life oh and zanny says she don't know them cuz she really doesn't. Casey saw this woman's name on an apt application and just remembered it and used it in her lies.
  • I agree I don't think it was an accident, when u have the facts its obvious she had something to do with it
  • I want to hear them say GUILTY!!! I hope they don't take too long to reach the verdict. The whole defense was ridiculous and I will be seriously irritated if they claim there is reasonable doubt. Nothing i heard was reasonable.
  • Could someone please tag me 2moro and let me know whats going on? I have an ob appt and wont be able to watch,this whole thing makes me soooo sick but i want to know what it comes down really appreciate it..
  • From listening to the judge today, I don't think the prosecution has enough to have her convicted of 1st degree murder, so no death penalty... but def the manslaughter (I think that was one of the charges) and the others. He said 3 criteria had to be met in order to convict 1st degree and I can't remember what all 3 were but I think they only have 2 of the 3 covered w/o reasonable doubt bc I remember thinking damn they only got 2/3. She's def guilty, it's a darn shame we'll never know the truth though. Poor baby.
  • I wanna hear a verdict tomorrow!! I hope she gets convicted! I don't want the death penalty cause in my eyes its too easy, she should be life in prison and think about what she did. Btw her lawyer is a complete nut!
  • Oh yes I agree with you on that @mommyoftwoprincesses the one guy baez is a wacko.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses I agree - death penalty almost seems like it's letting her off the hook. I want her to have to deal with prison. Forever. She's young, that's a lot of agonizing. She deserves that.
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