Dear Pregly,

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I use to really like this site until recent events. Now I don't feel comfortable being here. I don't want to be among mods who dislike each other and judge each other. I don't want to be involved with a forum like this. So I have decided I'm not coming back to pregly. It was my choice to join a more American forum swell as the one I have in the uk. Well now I can see that this one has far to much drama and the other one has none and any drama is closed down within seconds. Unlike pregly where it can go on for hours and escalate. Maybe I'll return in a few months or when I have had Elliot to update you all if this site hasn't fallen through by then. But when that time comes I comes, or now I'm leaving with NO intention to return until this site changes. I recently made a Facebook so if you want to keep in touch find me:
You can email me on this too if you don't have a Facebook.
To the mods old and new, Good Luck. Your going to need it. @praying4our3rd @lil_buggie_3 @kerrideeRN @mama_kat @mrsdelrae and @Martin

Bye guys!!!


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