I'm bleeding. :'( And very crampy. *UPDATE*



  • Keep us updated when you can. Prayers sent your way! Take care my dear.
  • Sounds like your bloody show hun which in most cases means labor within 2 days. But everyone is different. Sounds like you're in labor though, good luck hun!! Try not to stress, praying for you and baby!!! Update when you can!
  • Updates???
  • Good luck...hope everything is going OK.
  • edited July 2011
    *UPDATE* They successfully stopped my labor. My contractions are 11 minutes apart now and said I could go home if I wanted to. I am sitting at 3cm. They gave me a shot in my bum of a muscle relaxer so my uterus would calm down. They said I could stay but I really missed my babies and my 5 year old stayed up ALL night out of worry. So I just made it home and hopefully I'll get a nap in at some point. Thanks for the amazing support!
  • Fantastic news >:D<
  • Yay great news!
  • Great news! I hope you are able to get some rest!!
  • Good news keep baking a bit longer :)
  • Glad they managed to slow things. Get some rest now and try to relax :)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I'm glad they stopped your labor to give baby some extra time. Get plenty of rest and hopefully no more problems. :)
  • So glad everything is ok! Let that baby cook a lil longer :)
  • Great news, well done and get some rest now hun!!
  • Thanks so much everyone! Just a little longer hopefully!
  • edited July 2011
    @fate-Take care of yourself:) and hang in there little baby.
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