
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Do your dogs or cats act weird? I have 4 dogs between me and my parents, and my bf has two cats. 3 of our dogs have been acting different since I became pregnant. They will sit next to me and growl at each other over me sometimes. (Mostly the already over-protective one growls.) My mom said she thinks they might smell it and instinctively know to "protect" me/baby, that her dog acted differently when I was born.
my bf's cats act weird too...the one that usually likes me will have nothing to do with me. The one that doesn't care has been rubbing up on me, meowing, and doing that thing where they paw at something and purr, but he always does it right on me like my legs or stomach.
My bf says its all in my head, but my mom even made a comment about the dogs, and my dad noticed and asked why they like me so much all of a sudden.

So....anyone else?!


  • my dog is stuck to me like glue!!!
  • My Moms dog is like that. Anytime one of us is pregnant we always joke that he helps "hatch" the baby because he will lay his head on our stomachs starting at abt 2 months along. He won't let anyone near us if they are in a bad mood. It's hilarious because he's normally the grumpy one!
  • 1 of my malamutes my undesexed female took ages to come back near me :( the boy is fine so is our fixed girl my cat won't leave me alone
  • My 2 cats follow me everywhere. The paw at my belly and love to lay on it and purr.
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  • My weimerainer licks and lays her head on mine and will not let another dog near it
  • Thats funny cause my cousins dog did that 2 me when I was pregnant with my son. I didnt go over there that often 4 the dog 2 really know or like me. But it sat by me and growled at everyone who even came close 2 me.
  • I always used to be our cats favourite, and she snuggled and pawed me Lots, now she seems to steer clear of me and snuggle my husband instead. My mum also says its because the cat can sense I am pregnant?! Wonder if its true?
  • My Boston terrier usualu clings to my husband buy for the past few weeks hesbern extremely snuggly with me. I definitely think he can sense the change in me.
  • My little over-protective Shiba Inu now even stands guard while I poop. The other day she actually took a break and was on the dog bed when I heard her growling. Here I am on the pot and pregly forums telling her to hush. After she didn't I looked up to yell at her and busted my fiance peeking on me around the corner. She was growling at him for stalking me. They're both dorks.

    And both of my dogs follow me everywhere. I trip over my entourage if I change directions too suddenly. So annoying. God I love them.
  • @jwigs lol! I feel the same way about my crew. Love em, but sometimes...smh. lol.

    Hmmm that's weird that they are protective with even the dad, my one pup has been a big baby to my bd lately. The other night when he dropped me off she wouldn't let me shut the door unless she saw him! Lol
  • Ah, see, little Angel here has never been fond of men in general. She tries really hard with this guy, she wants to like him and trust him... but she doesn't. At least she doesn't freak out when we have sex anymore. And she obeys his commands. I don't think we can ask for much more than that from this rescue pup.
  • Yes I have 4 dogs and they all have to be right next to me all the time! Its thier instinct, they can just sence when your pg!
  • Idk if its cuz he's friendly, but my new hamster, who's just a baby still, will come up to me when Im by his cage. I've never had a hamster adjust to me so quickly.
  • When I first found out my 7 yr old female lab started misbehaiving and going to the bathroom in the house which she has not don't since she was a puppy. She did it for about a week straight 3-4 times a day. The vet said that she knows something is different with me and for me to spend more time with just her. She finally stopped and follows me around everywhere I go and is super protective. So crazy that they know!!
  • I'm 10 weeks and since about 5 weeks my 8 year old pit bull insists on taking all of her naps with her head on my stomach and she can't get enough of me!
  • My dog acts the same he has always been a mama's boy but my cat who is usually anti-social is out more and always craving attention from anybody who comes over. She is actually sleeping in the bed with me and curling up by my stomach or laying against my lowerr back. I think that animals do have a sense of these things.
  • Cats and Dogs are said to be able to smell you pregnancy pheremones, which tells them that something with you is changing. My mini Doberman pinscher is very protective of our entire house and yard now. He barks and loud at everyone and everything ... which he never used to do.
  • My dog was my first pregnancy symptom with my first pregnancy. She wouldn't let anyone near me. At first I thought she was going in heat then I realized it was me
  • I thought it was just me! My dogs are stuck to me. I can't move with them piled all over me. They're usually clingy but they are suffocating me now
  • Pregnant women give off a special scent and animals can tell they're pregnant. Mosquitoes are more attracted to pregnant women because of it too. My male dogs don't seem to notice but the female chin-papillon I have seems to know. She's super snugly now. :X
  • I was the same as @Shae... my dogs were my first (and only other, besides no af) symptom with my first; our big Doberman who rarely gave me the time of day started following from room to room & I would wake in the morning with him at my bedside just STARING at me... it was sooo creepy!... and the flip-side was my little Scottie mix, who was a total snugglebug before, began avoiding me like the plague!... so crazy...
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