i just dont want to...

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
ok so i am having a repeat c section on monday. well my hubby wants to do the deed as much as we can before we have to wait for the healing time and condoms will be worn again. i feel like 3 yrs old for saying this but "I DONT WANNA". just the thought exhausts me. and my back hurts and the list goes on. my poor hubby :-S


  • At first i told my man we should do it 4x a day to help induce labor lol but now tht its come time to do it i dnt wna do it either. Im exhausted n i feel so huge n awkward i kno i squish him n he doesnt care at all lol
  • lol. i know how you feel- except im only 32 wks. i wish guys knew how exhausted, sore and worn out we are. and that's without movement. lol.
  • @excitednewmom if i was trying to induce labor i would understand but i would rather go in on the day planned than be surprised. thats the only positive with a csection in my opinion. and i know EXACTLY what you mean about being huge!!! and there is only so many positions that it gets boring lol maybe he will get it like twice but not everyday like he thinks lol
  • @survivormommie3 lol i know right. he acts like he has so deprived this whole pregnancy cuz i am never "in the mood". and lord forbid he has to start using condoms soon. :O i do not want to be pregnant again ANY time soon thank you very much lol
  • Lol yea i wanted to... it sounded good but its so difficult now. N exactly! I have been on top the whole pregnancy so now he tries to bend me over n it almost kills me! Lol n yes tht is a positive to a c section. I would love to kno the day i will give birth instead of being caught off guard n being home all day everyday waiting for something to happen. Plus im not thrilled with the idea of my water breaking on my bed or couch
  • @excitednewmom sex sounds good sometimes but when i really think about it i about need a nap haha. oh i know i am very happy its not a waiting game. with my first i was nervous all the time to go anywhere close to the end but i ended up with preeclamsia at 38 weeks with him and thats when i had the csection so i didnt get close to the very end.
  • Lmao isnt so exhausting jus to think about it?? But yea ur kind of lucky. My bf gets to go to atlanta while i stay home alone bcuz im too scared to travel anywhere far. Im nervous about the way i sleep! I jus want this pregnancy to be over with. The women who told me i would enjoy it LIED to me so screw them lol

    Btw im deathly afraid of going overdue
    #1 i dnt wna give birth to a toddler looking baby
    #2 i dnt want to be even more miserable
    #3 i dnt want my baby to pass meconium in utero. I dnt understand the point of going over due if u have a due date
  • @excitednewmom yes!!! I-) haha
    i couldnt imagine traveling that far in pregnancy. i didnt even like to go to the grocery store lol
    i am sooooo ready for this to just all be over with. i want my baby now. im looking forward to the sleepless nights and diapers and crying. its WAY better than peeing all hours of the night, huge weight and horrid pain!!!
    and yes going overdue would also be my fear.
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