i just dont want to...
ok so i am having a repeat c section on monday. well my hubby wants to do the deed as much as we can before we have to wait for the healing time and condoms will be worn again. i feel like 3 yrs old for saying this but "I DONT WANNA". just the thought exhausts me. and my back hurts and the list goes on. my poor hubby :-S
Btw im deathly afraid of going overdue
#1 i dnt wna give birth to a toddler looking baby
#2 i dnt want to be even more miserable
#3 i dnt want my baby to pass meconium in utero. I dnt understand the point of going over due if u have a due date
i couldnt imagine traveling that far in pregnancy. i didnt even like to go to the grocery store lol
i am sooooo ready for this to just all be over with. i want my baby now. im looking forward to the sleepless nights and diapers and crying. its WAY better than peeing all hours of the night, huge weight and horrid pain!!!
and yes going overdue would also be my fear.