has anyone used dr browns bottles?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I have a ton of dr browns bottles that one of my friends gave to me. I have read that they r one of the top brands but I don't have any experience wth them. I'm a first time mom and was just wondering what others thought of them. R they worth the money? I have some more on my list but don't know if I should buy more or not.


  • I tihnk they are the absolute best!! I swear by them!!! As long as u clean them good you will love them. My daughter never had gas
  • I have used them for both of my kids n love them... They are expensive but worth the money the only brand I will ever use
  • @happymommyof2 @BabyGIRLinJUNE thank u guys! My friend swore by them as well and said they r pretty expensive that's y I'm aprehensive of buying more. But knowing that other mommys swear by them is making it easier to make the choice of pickin up a fewmore.
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  • I havent personally used them as my son isnt here yet. However, my cousin was using them with her son (he was a premie) and he did not do well with them. She says the made him have upset tummys and spit up alot. But it could of just been her not using them correctly, shes not very clean and a bit lazy. So hoping your baby does great with them!
  • Love them I used whit first and second daugther I'm buying it again for my Lil man
  • @ashleyfew ys that's all I have, that and a few playtex drop ins. I'm hoping they do well. @adensmommy0803 hmm that's weird that she had a bad experience thy actually suppose to prevent spit up and gas. I'm hoping I don't have the same problem.
  • @nena18_labori I'm glad I'm getting good reviews so far. That makes me think they r def well worth it. I may b adding more to my registry
  • They are great! My daughter had acid reflux and they were recommended by my pediatrician. They are good for acid reflux and gas.
  • @prayin4aBOY yes! That is what I've heard too!
  • I loved them with my daughter it's all she would take. She was colic and severe gas dr brown bottles took away I would say 90% of the gassy bubbles!! Beautiful relief with a first time mommy at the time!
  • I thought it was odd too beings that her Ped. told her to use them. But he does great with the drop ins. So who knows. :-?
  • @Mylittleman2011 that's aweome! I looks like dr browns will b my bottle of choice as long as my little girl decides that she likes them. If not, plan b. I don't really know what plan b is but ill fig something out lol. I'm also a first timer and need all the help I can get
  • @adensmommy0803 hmm ya idk. I do have dropins as well so if all else fails I have that as a back up
  • This is my first baby but im only using dr brownz bcuz of the great reviews. I kno women who swear by them. I have 29 of them lol. I dnt think it will be much of a hassle to clean them as some women put it. Its really simple
  • I have a huge bag of them that I refuse to touch again. I dispised them. Heh I have like 40-50 doc browns in various sizes and wouldn't touch anything but tw0 soothie bottles my husband bought on impulse
  • @ExcitedNewMom after she gave them to me I read the reviews and they were great and they were also in all o my baby magazines. I have about a dozen of them. Idk how to clean them lol never really messed with them besides to put them in the nursery. @beade_bunny uhoh thts no good. Did baby just not like them or were they a hassle? That a lot of money down the drain
  • I use them and i love them my daughter had bad colics but now she hasn't gotten any since i switched her bottles i am also using the glass ones they said they are better than the plastic idk why
  • I used them with my first daughter til i had to take her off the bottle.. they work miracles.. no gasses or nothing related to that :D
  • jus take em apart girl. There r two pieces on the inside
  • I bought them when I had my daughter three years ago bc of the great reviews. She was a breastfed baby and when I went back to work she hated them! I had to switch bottles a few times until I found one she would take! This time I only bought a couple to make sure my son will take them :)
  • Idk but that's what I bought too. I got everything Dr. Brown.
  • @grissy_barria I've never seen the glass ones, ill have to look for them. @Janet_2011 that's awesome. That's y I liked them so much. @ExcitedNewMom lol well I kinda figured that :) @Mindy061606 ya some babies I heard can b picky. My little girl is goin to be bf too but I wanted something for daddy to feed her with. Hopefully she won't b a little bratt lol. @YAYA what else does dr brown have? All I have are big and smaller plastic bottles
  • Yeah i prefer the glass ones they don't smell in the inside when you wash them
  • Ugh! I hate those bottles! A kid I babysat used them n they r a pain to clean n put together! A waste if u ask me! I used playtex drop ins with mt first n those airvents with my second n loved them! But whatever works for u is the way to go. Trial n error!
  • I'm goin to look fr the glass ones as well then. @grissy_barria @mandac10 oh wow r they reallythat big of a pain in the butt? I've only looked at them briefly, never took them apart yet. I guess ill find out when I wash them in a few weeks
  • I love them my daughter had colic and it took.it away immediately.
    I dont think theyre that big of a hassle if you keep up with dishes and dont let the formula cake up. It takes like a minute to clean the extra parts.. After i used a bottle i rinsed it out with hot water and rinsed off the parts before putting it in the sink..
    I personally found drop ins to be a bigger hassle..
  • thanks for posting this I was wondering the same thing thanks
  • Both my kids hated them
  • I have the bottle warmer, the sanitizer, bottle brush cleaner thing, bottle racks, and pacifier.
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