Casey Anthony.....Not Guilty!?!?!

edited July 2011 in Current Events
Thats some bull! So this is what america's justice is like......smh ppl are gettung away with anything NO OFFENCE but if she were black I see the outcome going in a totally different perspective


  • Sad no justice for lil Caylee R.I.P baby girl
  • I'm still lost &ndd can't believe it!
  • @supermom amen tew that R.I.P. Caylee.. =((
  • Yes its ashame I dnt see.why ppl have kids uf later on in their lives they kan jus look at them & dnt have that love for them anymore it breaks my heart
  • I was jus about to post the same thing......omfg how she not guilty
  • Ikr!!!! Its jus sooo unbelievable
  • edited July 2011
    She wasn't found not guilty..she was acquitted...meaning there wasn't enough evidence ect. I wish they would've just called it a mistrial so they could retry her with more evidence. But now they can't retry her and she got away with it which is completely disgusting. she did get guilty for 4 lesser charges that hold a max in jail for a year. So hopefully they give her max and she spends 4 years in jail at least. Either way her life will never be the same.
  • The problem is what they charged her with: First Degree Murder. Had they charged her with manslaughter instead, she'd be crying tears of "Oh God I'm going back to jail".
  • @redhead25 yeah but how much of that would she really spend in jail considering that she would get time served? Like six months?
  • I'm so pissed off at that ughhh
  • I can't believe the race card was just thrown in, oh geez 8-|
  • Oh my! This is nuts!
  • edited July 2011
    If this had only been in Texas...

    Maybe the poster is black? I'm not a racist person, but I can understand why some people might view other races as being judged more harshly.
  • What part of no offense do ppl not understand??? Seriously dont sit here & act like certain races dont get the short end of the stick when it komes to certain things ugh grow up & stop exspecting ppl to sugar kode everything
  • I do hope that wasn't aimed at me as I was not trying to sugar coat anything and I do understand that people get the crap end of the stick. I simply replied to the person who was shocked that someone had mentioned race being a factor and I don't see why anyone would be offended when it was simply an opinion.
  • The sad thing is all the evidence points guilty... So basically if theyd of found her with actual blood on her hands they might of looked at it different, how much friggin evidence did they want ffs, the car had traces of decomposition, and chloroform, and the hair strands found in the trunk showed evidence of banding... Which happens to hair roots after death!!!! Seriously wtf is up with this messed up world!!! And the deffence cheered and celebrated gettin the child killer off... Just as sick in my book, dont care if they wer doin theyre job thats just wrong and cruel!!!! Rant over :-)
  • Here's my thing, please don't attack me. Unless we were in the courtroom, we dont know anything. I seriously doubt that someone has watched the trial on tv for the past 6 weeks without missing a day. The media only told us what we wanted to hear, they hardly ever tell the truth. if you even have the slightest bit of doubt then you can't say guilty. Most of the evidence was inconclusive and the prosecuters probably could have done better, but what can we do? I think its very sad that that adorable little girl has yet to get justice, but maybe in time she will. Sorry for the negativity but this has been grinding my gears lol
  • Oh man...that shocked me yesterday! All that evidence, inconclusive or not, was still there. There's no way she should've gotten off...smh that's so crazy. I think eventually they'll gather enough to bring her back, charge her and make her do time. It always happens that way, just yrs down the road
  • They can't charge her again...
  • @Kimberly4411-- you took the words right out of my mouth!
  • I can understand some people feeling very strong about her being guilty but that is not enough. Prosecuters could have done better. There was no evidence pointing that she killed her child. There was a lot to this case that we may not ever know. That woman had issues way before she had her daughter and so did the rest of the family. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and look at the facts. Nothing proved that she did it and did it alone. All we can agree on is that the btch is a liar... and that is a fact! (I call her a btch cause I hate liars) justice WAS served at its best.
  • Haha @new_mommy905 thanks! I was scared I was gonna get attacked, but i'm getting tired of hearing about how she deserves to die, the media is driving me crazy
  • @misskristin no that wasnt toward you it was toward the person who said they couldbt believe the race card.was.pulled which I klearly said no offense & ppl want to act like race still isnt a factor because it is the whole system is messed up someone can rape a line a women & all they have to do is serve 5-15 yrs & their back on the streets to rape another day where to as a drug dealer can get kought with pounds of whatever & get 25-life???? I jus dont get it! Sure drug dealers do need to be dealt with but in my eyes raping women & children & leaving them scared for life deserves a lil more time than that if a person selling drugs
  • @Kimberly4411 I agree with you also... There was 'reasonable doubt'. Foresics is not perfect and can only be consitered partially in a trial such as this. The jury member said it best when she/he said 'We dont know if she is innocent or guilty, we dont know how the child died.' Both ways are probable ways of death. If they could have confirmed means of death then it would have been a better verdict, whether for or against the mother.
  • I can't even believe it... the b**** is getting out july 13th!!
  • Yes she did I hope she dnt have anymore kids
  • @supermom405 Agreed! & Agreed!
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