Scare the F***out me why don't you

edited July 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
Omg it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. My boyfriend has dialysis 3 days a week. Today when he was about done, he told me "I'm not feeling well, I a little light headed. " I turned around to find someone to tell, looked back at him and he had that lost look in his eyes. I start yelling someone needed to get over to him. By then his eyes are in the back of his head, his whole body is tensed up, arms drawn up to his chest. And someone is grabbing me rushing me out the door. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life waiting for someone to come out to tell me what was going on. It turns out it happens alot in dialysis, that someone's blood pressure drops quickly and they just pass out. But the look on his face whent under, I will never forget


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  • Oh no! I can only imagine that feeling. Glad he's ok!
  • Yeah he's okay now when he came back, he was sore, covered in sweat, and very tired. Once we got home he got cleaned up and went to bed. Even though I know it shouldn't just happen again, I just laid there and watched him sleep to make sure.
  • omfg id freak out! im so sorry that happend to you hun!
  • @mommyofsoon2b3 trust me I was out in the lobby waiting for someone to tell me what was going on, I was freaking out. Once they told me he was okay and I could go back. I had to go into the bathroom and compose myself. I didn't want him to see really how scared I was
  • @mschop omg I bet! that is terrifying!!!! idk if ida been able to compose myself! props to you for sure!!!! your a strong woman
  • Omg! Glad he's ok id go nuts if that was my husband!
  • @mommyofsoon2b3 thank you. Sometimes I don't know how much more I can take, but it keeps coming and I keep going I guess I'm doing okay
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