Here is a TRUE story about how stress affects your baby

edited July 2011 in Birth Stories
So this past weekend starting on Saturday myself and another friend spent the whole weekend at the hospital with our best friend. She was 40 weeks pregnant and she was so over pregnancy. For the past 3 weekends she has been going to the hospital due to contractions being 2-4 minutes apart and everytime they sent her home. Well we went back to the hospital saturday night at about 11pm they kept her and monitored her for thirteen hours at about 4am they came in and told her the baby's heart rate had dropped but they didn't tell us to what they kept coming in and switching her from left to right and right to left. At about 10:30 Sunday morning the released her because our doctor wouldn't induce her until she was at least 41 weeks So we went to her house and walked 3 miles around a park. Later on that night she told us she had to get him out she was in so much pain so we decided to go to another hospital. When we got there they admitted her right away,(big plus to this hospital) because she wouldn't dilate past 2cm they gave her something called a cervadil to help speed up her contractions and help her dilate. My friend for about three hours was in so much pain. When she finally got to 4cm they was able to give her an epidural. I was the support during all of this when her sons father should have been, she cried so bad because she wanted him there. Once she got the epidural she wouldn't stop crying not for the pain but bc she was hurt. About 2 hours after the epidural they came and told us that she wasnt dilating fast enough and they wanted to do a csection bc the baby's heart rate had dropped to 70 and even flatlined a few times :(
((Going back she is going thru a bad breakup with her sons father so for the past two months he has had no part of this pregnancy, we would drive by his house and see his ex girlfriends car in his driveway.. That has got to hurt, she would cry to us but at some point we knew that she was hiding her pain.))
They got her prepped for surgery and moved her in by this time her mom was there and had gone in with her. From what I was told during surgery after the baby was out they told her mom at 23 years old she would have to have a hysterectomy bc her placenta wouldnt close or something. Long story short she didn't have one they just put something called a balloon in her placenta to help form it. All of this because of stress, she is still in the hospital right now and still crying, moral to this story is she stressed so much over her sons father telling her he hates her and having his ex at his house and not being there for her during the epidural and csection although she had her two best friends mom and sister there you would much rather have your spouse with u and he missed out. The doctor said her crying and stressing so much 97% chance that's the reason baby wasn't responding to the labor and caused her to have a csection and even very close to the hysterectomy.. I have been stressing a lot but now that I seen first hand what it does to your baby I won't let anyone stress me out. Her baby was born at 9:19am July 4th & he is gorgeous and very healthy. and a girl who was in the room next to her baby died she was 25 weeks pregnant. Very sad weekend


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Yess I seen that 1st hand. It really isn't anything to play with
  • Girl... u have 2 forums going at the same time....
  • I know I just wanted to make sure everyone got to read this story. It really meant a lot for me to get this out there
  • Wow.... crazy story! I've been stressing a lot thanks to my dad, but I talked to him a couple days ago and told him no more! I hate when people think its ok to stress out a pregnant girl! Wtf is there problem! Its not just us its our babyy too!!! Ughhh! Hating stupid people right now!
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