i need some more help please hands are tied
Okay so I'm about to go crazy ny bd 3 girls are out of control the oldest is down right disrespectful just feels she is high and mighty and up there in age mind you she is only 11 the other two just do typical shit and then there is my 2 1/2 year old daughter who ie rude as Hell tells me no and always yelling at me and she jumps all over me constantly and it hurts on top of all this I ain't getting no help. what do I do
Your child is your responsibility and you have every right to discipline her in a manner that suits your both, but one that is obviously not abusive. The younger they are, the faster they will learn and the sooner you can stop feeling like a bad mom for teaching them right from wrong. Your daughter needs to know that she is not in charge and that disrespect will not be allowed.
As for BD's kids...he needs to be an active parent and get his kids in check. They will continue to walk all over the 2 of you until someone takes a stand.
My 5 year old can be a handful, but more times than not, he says please and thank-you, is very polite and respectful, and behaves better than some adults I've seen. Give it time and stick to your guns for your own sanity and that of the general public.