im getting worried..

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
What are things u can do to get baby moving? I ate pancakes around 12am.. But she didnt move after like she normally does when i eat.. I laid.on my left side and chugged koolaid(i dont have any juice so i figured a cold sugary drink would work) and she moved only a little.. I took a warm bath and got barely any movement.. And now this is when shes normally waking up every night.. 3-4am and shes still not moving.. 37.4 weeks im petite and her movements are usually very strong..


  • Oh and i just ate a candy bar and still nothing..
  • Its possible she's dropped and become more engaged, they don't move as much toward the end. But there's really no way to know without calling your dr.
  • Call your doctor or just go straight to the hospital. Hearing her heartbeat on the monitor could give you piece of mind. Even if nothing iis wrong, you'll feel better. That's what I would do!
  • If it was me id call the hosp or dr, dont take any chances (not that you would) im constantly worrying about movement and I just think its my baby so why should I care if I annoy people with my worrying! You just need to be checked for reassurance and peace of mind, thats what the medics are for :-) im 30 weeks btw. Hope your baba attacks your tum soon :-D
  • edited July 2011
    Im trying to hold off and trying to get her active on my own til a few hours when I know someone is awake at my moms.. I dont want to bring the kids with bc if something was wrong and i had to have an emergency csection I wouldnt have anyone there to watch them.. And my mom isnt answering her fckin phone!
    Ugh this situation pisses me off...
  • :( I'm sorry. You have no one else to watch them like a close friend? I know you've gotta be worried. When you do get a hold of her, let her know when it's this late in the game, if she's your emergency contact, she needs to be reachable at all hours! I'd be fuming! :-W
  • Lay on a heating pad or put a bag of frozen veggies on your tummy. It always works for me.
  • I heard to drink a glass of cold water and lay on your left side or orange juice. And even if the baby has droppped and is engaged you can still feel the baby.. Every baby is son never stopped moving. Have you called your dr?
  • Is she maybe just growing bigger and running out of room? >:D<
  • edited July 2011
    Sorry, im bad about updating..
    I ended up going in the kitchen to make some mac and cheese and dropped the pan. It startled her(i felt her jump) and now she has been squirming around... I guess she is a heavy sleeper..or so I hope..and the cold drink didnt phase her. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and concerns. Being so far along in your pregnancy can be nerve racking. Too bad we cant magically see into our wombs whenever we want.
  • Glad she is moving!
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