jens blonde moment of the day

Well I feel so dumb. I went to a gas station this morning to buy some milk, card was declined after it going through twice and declined I gave up. On my way back home I called bank of america to ask why my card had be declined. They told me they weren't declining my card and that there was money in my account and that it was the gas station. Well I went to another gas station on my way to the beach and decided I wanted to get some juice to drink, so I went in the store got a drink for me, my bf, and a blueberry muffin went and handed the lady my card declined... I was like wtf.. she tried it agan declined.. so I apologize and almost start crying.. so I decided to call bank of america back.. well before I actually got ahold of my bf pulls a reciept from the cubby holder and with it a bank card.. he goes isn't this your bank card? I looked at it.. said omg I'm an idiot. I had to have my bank card replaced due to theft and when they sent me a new card I forgot to throw out the old one so I was trying to swipe my old card :( no wonder it declined. My bf and his sister were laughing so hard at me.. I feel like such an idiot!


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