didnt want to rob anyones post..bf question

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
I hate posting questions on other peoples posts, feel like I'm stealing their answers so I'm sorry if this is already asked. I plan to bf full term but want my fiancee to be able to feed his son, if I feed him myself first to get it started, can I pump a lil so he can feed him? I have the breast flow bottles too so he could later on.


  • I don't think that would be a problem. Why not?
  • Yeah I would do that. Pumping is a great idea for anyone to get to feed the baby and it will still be getting all the benefits of breastmilk
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  • I did with my first! I gave him breast milk in bottle when we were out I am a shy bf-er. Also let hubby feed him and sometime I just needed a break. I also successfully exclusive bf him for 6months and continued to bf him til he was 11 months. The teething was a deal breaker
  • That's my plan. Hubby wants to be able to feed the baby too.
  • @excitedforbaby @babynumber02 I'm a first time mom and wasn't sure bc I have read milk comes later.and wasn't sure if yoi can pump colostrum(sp?)

    @LMelanson that's how I plan to do it, I just wasn't sure if you could pump that soon
  • @socalMOMMA2boys oh yeah unless you want your nipples to become chew toys lol. I plan to pump for when I'm out too, I couldn't imagine whipping my boob out in public.

  • ive been told to wait to introduce any bottles until the baby is two weeks old, some women have to pump earlier for many reasons though...good luck :)
  • I breastfed for 7 1/2 months with my first and the doc said dont pump or give bottles the first 6 wks. i started pumping around 8 wks postbaby so hubby could help/ when i had appointments or whatever. you just have to work a little more at it since you will be making extra milk. so this time around (#3) i will start pumping around 4 wks so that i can work up my milk supply (it can take a while to get that extra ounce + sometimes) and will make sure we have a good supply :D
  • @survivormommie3 thanks for the advice. @gsmommy well poop. Lol. I was hoping he would get to feed him at the hospital, I guess he may have to wait.
  • My daughter is 22 days old and I'm bf full time. I was told by her doctor and 2 lactation consultants to wait to introduce bottle or pacifier for 6 wks to establish your supply and avoid nipple confusion. I am waiting as long as I can to pump, because I have an oversupply already, and the more you feed and pump, the more supply you get and the more you can get engorged if ur not pumping/feeding. Its easier to increase your suppply than decrease it. I understand your hubby wanting to feed, mine does other things. Its all personal prefrence thp and what your comfortable with. I am not risking nipple confusion bevause with the constant feedings for me, its easier to just have her on my breast and my hubby def wont wake at night
  • @PEsMommy yeah I will probably have to wait, my fiancee will only be home at night on weekends and the first week he's home. So having the baby on the bottle will be more complicated in the case the confusion becomes a problem
  • My daughter is 7weeks and I have never pumped. Was also told I should wait till 6 weeks. I just make sure I feed her right before I go somewhere so I know I have at least 2 hours before I need to be home but most of the time she goes 4hours.

    I gave her a binkie when she was a day old and haven't had Amy issues with confusion
  • Ty for posting this :) helped me to
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  • I was advised to wait four to six weeks before introducing a bottle and the dummy to make sure breastfeeding is established. I used to express and from about 5 weeks my partner would then bottle feed him my breast milk. This worked really well :-) good luck!
  • I'm so glad u asked this, as that was my plan too! Thankyyou!
  • I'm going to breast feed or pump its so much better for them plus if u got the extra why not
  • @navybabyonway Ty I was worried about binkies too.

    @samiUK @pretty_princess01 your welcome, my dd is getting close so I needed to know lol.

    @mama0811 Ty I looked everywhere to find good bf bottles lol.

    @darknesofnight4u @jtmoon thank you for your comments.

    Glad to hear other people are wanting to do the same thing I am lol. I was waiting for people to act like I was weird

  • My baby is a preemie. She has been getting bottle, breast and pacifier from her very first week of eating without the feeding tube. She likes all 3 and does just fine. No confusion.
  • You got a lucky one there lol :p
  • edited July 2011
    i started off bf but my supply wasn't coming in and my daughter had jaundice i gave her her first bottle when she was about a wk old and she stopped wanting to bf bc the bottle was easier....pumping works just wait a couple of wks b4 pumping solely the baby's suction is better than the pump....just from my experience and those around me
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