How do you feel hiccups?

I don't know if I can feel them. 17wks.


  • You'll start to feel hiccups when you're bigger. I'm 31 weeks and he has hiccup spells atleast 3 times a day. It's like really fast bumping...or really gentle but very fast kicking. Hard to explain but that will start latter on.
  • When i put my hand on my stomach it feels like its iiT has its own heartbeat
  • Being 17 weeks, that is just the baby moving around right now. He/she has no control over their movement, so, at times it might feel off the wall or extremely fast. In time, the baby will have more control over it's movement and things wont be so fast and all over the place like a convulsion. LOL.
  • Okayy. Becuz iiCan barely tellWhen the bbyMove around anyways. lOl.thanks alot.
  • LOL. No problem. :)
    In time, you'll be feeling EVERYTHING! ;)
  • lOl..iiDnt think iM readyy. JK.. lOl :)
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