Baby sex!

So is it true if your having a boy..Baby Boys don't like you.?
And if yourHaving a girl..Baby girls don't like you?

Because iiHave 2 Baby cuzins..ahGirl and ahBoy.
Girl iiS 1. Boy iiS 3 1/2 months.
See theeBaby girl don't cry when I hold her and she deal withMe wen iiTs just me and her.
But the baby boy don't barely come around and he really don't know me but i was holding him todayy and he was crying like a sailor.

Whats that all about???


  • i dont think so? i work at a day care in the infant room and its still the same the same girl and boy from there still love playing with me! but all the kids in the toddler room hate me lol!! idk :) :)
  • I found out today im having a boy and my husbands cousin just had a boy last march and not long ago he liked me but recently he cries even when I just come near him also my 8 year old brother and I have always been close and he's been kinda mean and cold towards me. It could just be old wives tales but it came out true for me
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