whats the silliest thing you've cried over this pregnancy???



  • I cried when I ran out of boudain. Also im n a drop out recovery program to get my diploma. We only go tues n thurs. I got extra stuff n math to bring home...i cried because I could not for the life of me figure out one problem I had been trying to figure out for hours... Dh took my homework away from me until the next day.lol
  • I cried because I got a blood test and I looked at the "boo boo" afterwards and it scared me..

    I cried because we went to sonic and my boyfriend didn't get me the "light blue that turns into dark blue at the bottom" drink.. he only got me the plain dark blue drink... stupid boyfriend .. ugh :/

    And lots more but I can't remember right now. :'(
  • Oh Yes and I cried because I couldn't fall asleep. Lol..
  • @MommyLovesSparkle if only Bfs would feel what we feel! I bet you he wouldn't of messed up your drink! :p I feel like crying right now cause I can't fall asleep! :/
  • Lol I cried while watching X-Men the first class at the end! I was bawling poor BD didn't know what to do. But or was so sad even thinking about it now makes me sad :'( I know I've cried over mc Donalds not giving me my mc chicken lol I found it at the bottom of the bag ;))
  • @mommy_yaya rightt ! I wish they can feel what we feel it would be awesome :D and I feel the same way right now I'm super tired but I have things to do that can't wait until morning.. :(
  • I posted earlier, but just remember I cried in an ice cream shop because I told my hobby I was thirsty but the store didn't have anything I can drink so I didn't get anything and he insisted I get a water. I didn't want water so I started bawling.
  • When bf cooked food for him n didn't ask if i wanted any lol
  • I saw someone run over a beaver... and cried for an hour straight...
  • @1stWoodsBaby you should only give him water to drink! See how he feels! Anything to do with messing with my food and I cry! I'm only willing to share with my lil baby boy and nobody else! I cry every time my Bf asks me for a bite of my food! Specially cause he takes HUGE bites! Makes me wanna punch him! b-(
  • I cryed lastnight bc all I wanted was this dress from walmart I loked the way my belly looks well I also had to buy a battery for my car which took most of my money:(
  • Lol I love this thread it makes me happy and laugh a lot :)
  • @bbylucasMomma! :p I know! Makes my day! Specially since my Bf said I was the only one that would cry over silly things! Now I know I'm not alone! :D
  • @everyone so yesterday we went to Sea World and when we were watching the Shamu Rocks show at night I cried :'( I love my sea creatures!! And I'm so glad my son shares that love for them too! My Bf thought it was cute!
  • Lol awww that is cute I wanna go to that huge aquarium museum I saw on pbs I forgot what its called though :/
  • Cause no one wanted to go wit me to red lobster lol
  • Cause no one wanted to go wit me to red lobster lol
  • I like this post cause I don't feel crazy for crying over something stupid
  • Cuz my bd asked where I wanted to eat at and I couldn't decide cuz every place I pass I wanted to go there

    Cuz I couldn't boo boo but my bd had nop problem stinking up the house

    When people aren't on time
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