Help....spit up?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
My little peanut will be 10 wks tomorrow. I bf him only. My Q is....these last few weeks he has been spitting up clear liquid. Some times its a lot and other times not so much. He can be just sitting there and it just comes out of no were. Just wondering if anyone eles be experienced this. He doesn't look like he's in pain more is he running a fever. First time! Thank you.


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  • I don't want to sound like an idiot... Bump? I see people do that, what does that mean? Well he does drool, but this is like he took a drink and didn't swallow and he just lets it run out of his mouth...
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  • My son is strictly bf. He spits up when he over eats but it's not clear.
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  • ... maybe he's full?? I really don't know. Sorry.
  • @angieahren ohhh I knew that, I was just testing no not realy Haha. But good to now though thanks. @Beautiful_Altar ya mine spits up to when hes being a little piggie :) just this clear water stuff is weird. I have to do a wardrobe chsnge every time specialy if hes lying down. And it scares me when he goes to bed.
  • My baby did that...she had acid reflux really bad she spit up alot all the time. However I was told that its just "spit" they swallow alot I guess. I would talk to your ped just to make sure...ya never know.
  • "Change" stupid smart phone. ;)
  • @upnorthmom what did the Dr do for your little one? And ya I'm going to call her tomorrow. I was just hoping it would pass. :(
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  • I would go with acid reflux son had it too.
  • @KerrideeRN thanks for the info that helps. @redhead25 what did the pediatrician do for your son?
  • I do that too with lemonade.. i guess the acid in it.. but ill burp a little burp with a mouth full of drink.. sometimes food too.. gross i know but maybe its the same. Just blame pregnancy lol
  • @kritten_octoberbby baby boy gave me heart burn so bad when I was pregnant. I never had it before I got preggers and now that I have had him I havnt had it since. I blamed every thing on my
  • My 9 week old is doing the same thing. She cries afterwards sometimes like it burns. Dr ordered xantac. She taken it 2 days. I can tell a difference already.
  • @newflmom2b his pediatrician put him on an antacid...he outgrew it once be started eating solids. She said it bc he ate liquids and is laying down or in a reclining position a lot (as in more than adults). My nephew also had it and outgrew it so I'm sure yours will too.
  • @salsabia he realy doesn't cry after his feedings. After reading all the post and looking at sites I'm more confused Becouse he doesn't have all those symptoms. I'm just going to call his pediatrician today. Thanks ladies for your help...xxooxxoo
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