DIY Baby clothes

edited February 2011 in Babies
I'm only 11 weeks, too early to know if I'm having a little boy or a girl. I wanna start making some baby clothes early tho. I'm a pretty crafty girl. I can knit, sew, and do other fun stuff. In the spirit of me and my husband, I'm thinking of going for a punk-baby theme. Good thing diaper pins look a lot like safety pins ;) Black is an obvious gender neutral option, but I'd like baby to be a little more colorful. Red and green could go both ways, I guess. Cream or off-white would also look nice (I'm not a fan of yellow). I've seen lots of cute skull and monster patches at Jo Ann fabrics. Lots of cute iron-on decals too! My favorite is one with a skull and crossbones that says "Argh! Wipe me booty!" There's another with the anarchy symbol followed by a regular B and C.
For more mainstream mommies, there are lots of tough boy and girly girl stuff too. I like the cupcake stuff for girls :)
So, anyone else making their own baby clothes?


  • edited February 2011
    I would love too but dont know how :(
  • @june2bmommy Dyeing is kinda tricky and knitting takes a while to learn, but sewing isn't hard at all. Especially if you just buy onesies, dye them whatever color you like, and then sew on your own or store bought patches. Store patches tend to be pricey for what they are, so I make my own. Fabric paint/pens are good for writing your own messages and logos.
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