I'm sure this has been posted before... but I am seriously DONE with being pregnant!! OMG... 38 weeks today and I'm over it. I'm tired of being fat and feeling disgusting! I'm tired of not sleeping and having a huge belly, and getting up to pee every 25 minutes throughout the night. I'm tired of not being able to have a beer with my dinner! I had planned on starting self inducing methods last week, I had been walking, having sex, bouncing on a ball, and had even bought castor oil to take... because I had dilated to almost 2cm and was 50% effaced... but come to find out my baby is transverse and not even in the right position for birth this week... so what's the point in even trying anymore! I already took my maternity leave after the doctor had checked me last week, because he didn't think I would make it another week... now I have made backwards progress and am hardly dilated because of baby's position. I'm not working, I'm home with my 18 month old 24/7 I'm bored, and going stir crazy!!!! I feel like this baby is never going to come.
Sorry for the vent, but anyone else feel the same way as me???
I was just as unhappy with my 1st pregnancy, I'm just not one of those people that "love" being pregnant. :-) I hate it. And now I'm so close to being done, I'm frustrated!!!!!


  • almost there!! Just a little longer and you'll be holding your precious one! Keep the good in sight at all times and you'll get through. This is my first and I am 31 weeks.. but I can sense I will get to where you are and feel the same way. :) I just keep thinking only 9 weeks and i get to hold my nugget. I can see myself rearranging my clothes, going for walks, and going nuts. I am a school teacher so I don't work in the summer by 38 weeks I will be definitely bored and anxious! GOOD LUCK AND KEEP THE GOOD IN SIGHT! You'll make it through!!
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  • edited July 2011
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  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle... be careful of post partum depression if you have had this issues during pregnancy. My sister went through the same thing and it wasn't easy! Make sure your doctor knows how you feel now and he/she can help you through it after the birth!! but like I said above try to keep the positive in mind, go through the baby's clothes pick out the outfits for the first few days or week and organize them, read a book to your belly and son, have your son draw pictures or make a card for the baby, have him make things with popsicle sticks or paper for the baby, turn making beds or doing dishes into a game, same with laundry, try spending busy quality time with him and it should help make both of you feel better!! You're almost there!!!!! Don't crawl and give up.... your son and baby need you!!! you can do it!!!!
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  • I feel the same way! I'll be 37 weeks Sunday. I'm just ready for this to be over and meet my baby already :(
  • Hang in there, i'm in the EXACT same boat. My son will be 20 months on the 23rd, i'm also a sahm, 38 weeks today, was in l&d yesterday, they refused to induce even though I was there, things were going, etc. i'm tired of being huge and can't even chase my son like everyone else can.
    All I can say is keep up with the sex, vacuum the floor like your life depends on it, nipple stimulation, lots of faster paced walking, etc. castor oil you need to be careful of because it tends to cause diarrhea and vomiting. It'll giver you contractions, but who wants to get dehydrated before the big event? Just saying.
    Hang in there momma, we are literally almost done. And like my mom says, pregnancy isn't permanent. There is an end date.
  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle I feel the exact same way.. I feel like I have completely lost patience with my 18 month old daughter.. I find myself yelling at her for silly reasons...because i'm home alone all day with her.. I just feel terrible.
    @mommytoaprince I did castor oil with my first, and it worked and I ended up having her. but there is no sense in me doing anything at all to induce with this pregnancy because she isn't even head down... therefore I won't dilate anyways. SUCH A WASTE!!! ARGH!!! so frustrated! I can't believe I'm losing my cool with technically only 2 weeks left! I have made it 9 1/2 months ... what's two more weeks!!! But it feels like a lifetime! Especially reading about all these women due in july who have already had there babies! :-(
  • @robinlinlee83, I feel ya. Drives me crazy when people due after me are going into labor and having their babies. Doesnt seem fair. I hope baby flips again real soon so you aren't left like this for long. I find myself losing my cool a lot too. I can't handle the smallest things anymore. Doesnt make sense. Thankfully the weekd have been going somewhat fast. We'll be done soon. Butterfly you won't have to wait much longer.
    I had to schedule induction. Maybe since shes trans, you can do the same??
  • Yes.. my doctor said Tuesday at my appointment if she hasn't turned then they will go ahead and admit me and try to turn her and induce... I just hate waiting when its so close!
  • I understand- I'm starting to feel the same way. I am usually so active that sitting on my butt because I'm huge & walking hurts so bad is just making me miserable. I can't sleep at all at night & I can't keep up with my 3 year old & make her happy. On top of that, my hubby is in the busiest part of his work year, so he's gone most of the time & is always too tired to help much when he gets home, and the rest of my "support" team works M-F so I have no one around to lend a hand. I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday, and I am ready to be done.
    The only thing that seems to help w/my daughter is focusing on one-on-one attention since these are the last few days she will ever be an only child. I know it's going to be a hard adjustment for her, too, so I'm trying to keep that in mind & just enjoy her company. :)
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  • I do agree with you on that.. I have my husband who is a wonderful support. And I'm enjoying the last week with my daughter when she is quiet!! And napping with her in the afternoon because we won't have many more times like that.
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