how is everyone doing?

edited July 2011 in Plus Sized Mama's
Hi mamas! Just wondering how we all are doing. I'm so happy, I'm only 15 w today but I've been loosing weight, only 6 lbs but better than gaining lol. I've also been feeling baby so much lately. Like right under my stomach. Yesterday I thought I felt a roll! ...... So how is everyone else doing?


  • Hi! =] I'm doing good my 20 weeks and just started feeling movement down there, it's pretty crazy. I've been losing weight also, every time I go to the doctor I'm down another 2 pounds Haha. Like you said better to lose then gain =]
  • All is well. I'm 23 weeks and have lost seven pounds. Am starting to feel regular kicks!
  • Great I'm 29w, I have gained but I'm in the weight range my doctor wants me in! Baby moves all the time and also gets hiccups 2x a day its so cute.hubby loves to feel him move. Having a 3d scan thursday so excited to see who my little man looks like!
  • I'm 23w4d..the pink stinker kicks and punches like crazy but I'm still only feeling it from the inside :(
  • im 30 weeks and was feeling great and not prego at all until this week! I got hit with all the aches and pains and ready for september to be here. I lost 20lbs in the 1st trimester but have gained most of it back now, hopefully I dont gain a ton in tge next few weeks! good luck, ladies :)
  • I am 22 weeks today and I had lost about 7 lbs and gained 5 of them back but I can tell I have lost weight in my face so maybe its all baby! I am really looking pregnant so I am told. My hubby just grins at me when he sees my belly sticking out and his new favorite phrase is that's not fat that's my boy!
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