edited July 2011 in Pregnant


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  • Ha ha I'm hoping someone will post at least 6 weeks post partum.
  • Well geesh! I'm going to post a week post baby body once my boy comes out in 3 weeks! I looked up pics on Google and a lot of women don't look that bad! So I'm hoping my tummy goes down a bit.
  • i bounced back pretty fast with my last two... but i was only 16&18 when i had them. i'm scared now that i am 24 i won't be able to do it lol
  • Nop! I still dont fit on my.clothes... uggghhh cant wait!!!
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  • I'm 26 @myHEARTZx3 and this is my first, I was a size 4 before and I've gained 60lbs , I'm going to breast feed and I'm also going to start working out as soon as I can!! @betty me too I can't wait except I got a few stretch marks so I won't be wearing bikinis any more!
  • @mama0811 I'm trying out the belly bandit as well, I hope it helps!
  • I can only access pregly from my phone, so I can't post a pic, but I remember postpartum I had a little "jiggly belly", but it went away pretty quick. It was mostly gone by my 6-week check-up. My thighs were also a little bigger for a while, and I think I sweated constantly for the first 3 weeks- your body's getting rid of extra fluid that way. It was pretty gross, lol. But all in all, my body bounced back much quicker than I expected & I actually ended up looking better after I had my daughter than before... I attribute it to 90% breastfeeding on demand, and 10% to watching what I ate & drinking lots of water. Oh, and I was 24, if that helps, lol.
    Good luck! :)
  • @vette_devil thanks!! This helps a lot!!! I can't even tell you how ugly I feel right now, and I feel so guilty for feeling like this but its all worth it of course! >:D<
  • I know exactly how you feel, hun! I'm 36wks 5days w/ numero deux & I am more than rwady to be done! But I would totally have posted a pic if I could... it really wasn't so bad for me. I hope I wasn't just "lucky" lol... but it really is completely possible & do-able to get your body back post-baby. Just remember- it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. Always has been, always will be. ;) Good luck!... and if you reeaaallly want to see a true post-partum picture, give me your e-mail & I'll send you one, lol! ;)
  • So im a big girl and had gestational diabetes with this pregnancy. They put me on a pretty strict moderated carb diet. I stuck with the diet (for the most part) after my pregnancy and was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight in 4 days and was a pant size smaller than pre-pregnancy by 2 weeks. Im still a big girl but im a smaller big girl ;). I'll try to post a pic soon. My daughter's second birthday is tomorrow so i'll try to get a good one ;)
  • @blissmarie23 yay! I promise I will post one as well, as soon as he gets here!
  • Here's my 1 month post baby picture. This is the first time in 4 pregnancies I've lost weight this quickly. Sadly I think I am gaining weight to sugar and how tastey it is. I am going to have to hit my moderated carb diet again hard or start walking and doing some type of ab workout. I'm hoping to drop 2 more pant sizes by fall. Wish me luck! ;;)
  • @blissmarie23 you look awesome!!!!! I hope I can look as great as you!!! \:D/
  • Booo I was looking forward to seeing some too! ;)
  • I had my baby 2 days ago and I've bounced back quick. My tummy feels so weird and jell-o(ish). There's a little pooch but I'll definitely be doing some crunches to get rid of that!
  • Awww congrats!!! I'm going to update this post as soon as my David comes, @BentleysMommy @texasmom3
  • I had my son a lil over two weeks I'm 9 pounds away from my prepregnancy weight. My skin is still weird. This is my third pregnancy with my first two within two weeks my body was back to normal no body could tell I had a baby which was nice but ppl didn't believe that it was my daughter
  • @bentleysmommy....when I had my first my friend and I said our bellies felt like pizza dough. I'm not sure that has ever fully gone away for me :( I've told my hubby when I'm done having kids I'm getting a tummy tuck and a boob job. (I like my nursing boobs ;) .)
  • Lol I can't wait for my nursery boobies to come in!!!!! @blissmarie23 , @BentleysMommy 8->
  • @debs I gained like 60 I don't think ill lose it that fast... X_X
  • edited July 2011
    My nursing boobs are monsters! X_X
  • I gave birth 13days ago and am 7lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight. My down but mushy.
  • I just had my baby on the 6th. I am not sure how much I've lost yet. My belly has gone down but is saggy and squishy. Still have my pupps rash... Sure hope my skin firming lotion gets busy! It's got alot of work to do!
  • Soooo... I know I totally sound like a brat, but I got stretch marks...and they keep coming....and its making me feel so ugly...someone mentioned a product in another post called derma roller and said it worked!! I want to try it after the baby comes...has anyone heard of this?
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