PLEASE HELP!!! white spot on babies heart during ultrasound

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
When I got my 20 weeks ultrasound my doctor told me my baby had a white spot on her heart.... I went back at 24 weeks and it was still there... my doctor said that it was nothing to worry about because she doesn't have any signs of downs syndrome he said that he has had many women with the same thing and their babies where just fine but I'm still worried.... has this happen to anyone???


  • I've never heard of a white spot before but my daughter has a hole in her heart, she's 2 now and we go to the cardiologist in June to see if its still there. If your doctor isn't worried then don't stress yourself out, wait and see what happens, it may go away. When she is born you can ask the Pediatrician about it, you could maybe call your future Pediatrician and ask if its a concern before the baby is born...just a thought to help ease your mind.
  • Hi i am new haven't heard of a white spot, but my youngest of 3 was born w a heart murmur we see a cardiologist once or twice a yr to make sure that ever this ok. 8 would ask as many questions as you can now to find out answer but don't over stress on it. Good luck
  • Thankx @kkmommy and @girlsx3_anyboys I had a heart murmur myself when I was a baby and also my fiance did too.... ill just have to keep praying about it ;)
  • If you are worried you can ask to see a periontologist I'm not sure if that spelling is correct but its an ultrasound doc that looks for any concerns I went when prego with my daughter and am going this time around to check babysitter heart for holes cuz it runs in mine and hubbys family... don't worry tho :) probably not as bad as u think....
  • If i find out this time that i am preggo i will have to go have a more indepth fetal ultra sound done bc of my youngest has a gential heart disease
  • I went to the doctor Valentine day, and that's what my doctor told me! It's a calcium build up. He told me its common then asked me if I wanted to be blood tested for down syndrome and I have an appt on Fri with a high risk doctor for an ultrasound so he can check the heart valve and such. But I'm devastated cause I don't know much, but I'm trying not to stress before all my tests are run. I have a healthy 4yr old. So.. I know its not much help but yea I feel ya.
  • I went to school for ultrasound andeven though ob was not my subject (I was more intrigued with cardiovascular) I still went through it all including ob. And anything showing up white is calcium buildup, bone ext....I wouldn't worry much. Especially if your doc hasn't started any crazy testing of things on you and said its.nothing to worry about :)
  • Thankx ladies that makes me feel a lot better!!!! All I want is a healthy baby but I went to a specialist and he said it was nothing they just want to "keep and eye on it" so I have to go back next month when I'm 31 weeks so they can look at it again but all my test for downs came back negative... I guess just being a first time mother has a lot to do with me freaking out
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