As far as I know, you have more discharge & your body tempurature is slightly higher- but for me it has always been hard to "tell". I really recommend using cheap ovulation tests- I got mine from my local Dollar Tree for both of my pregnancies & got pregnant in the first month BOTH times! Neither time I spent more than $5.00 on ovulation tests. Good luck! I hope you get your bfp soon.
I'm not really sure about tracking ovulation with symptoms. I used an app on my phone called My Days. I kept track of periods and when we had sex. I was able to tell my hubby the very moment I conceived lmao. I literally looked up at him *TMI warning* (he might of still been inside me) and said we are having a baby in 9 months! The app will tell you the week when you are ovulating and when you are most fertile. The more dates of your periods the more accurate it will be.
well ur supposed to have way more of that white discharge the more fertile u are but i would just recommend finding out how many days are in ur cycle and ur fertile days. i was confused because my cycles are 40 days long... and i found out that u ovulate 14 days before ur expected period. once i figured that out i got preg on my first attempt lol
Good luck! I hope you get your bfp soon.