No Judgement!! Just need some opinions from ladies with and open mind ONLY!!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I have been craving alcohol my entire pregnancy, bad enough to the point that I have dreams about drinking! I have not touched an alcoholic beverage since I found out I was pregnant and I don't plan on it. But I have found a non-alcoholic beer that I LOVE and satisfies the craving. I did not start drinking them until about a week ago. I have been having 1-2 a night and I am 26 wks. I know that non alcoholic beer still has alcohol in it >.05%. Do you think I'm doing a lot of harm if any to my baby? Have any of you asked your Dr. about non-alcoholic beverages?


  • No, its filtered out before it even reaches the baby. Maybe for piece of mind, drink only one a day & ask you dr for his input.
  • I don't know much about it while pregnant but it works wonder while nursing to help produce more milk production. As far as drinking while pregnant my dr told me that is ok to drink a glass or 2 (6oz) of red wine every now and then. Espically before bed.
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  • My sister in law craved beer as well with her last pregnancy. I don't think there is enough alcohol in it to do any harm. Its def a question I would ask your dr to know for sure.
  • You would have to drink 40 non-alcoholic beers to even catch a buzz and u would have to drink them fast i use to drink them but they just made my head hurt :( ask ur doctor just in case but really there's more alcohol in mouth wash so i think ur good
  • Not all non alcoholic beer has that low a content. Some are as high as 2-3%. Ask your dr for their input. I personally would say no to any beer. But that's just me. I don't even drink caffeine while pg.
    Personal choice, mainly. As long as your dr agrees.
  • Thanks ladies for putting my mind at ease :) @Mommytoaprince the beer I have been drinking says on the bottle "contains less than .05% alcohol"
  • Just as long as you read the bottle, not just believe that they all are the same or anything like that. Bettet to educate yourself :)
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  • edited July 2011
    Your body will metabolize what little alcohol is in that drink before it even gets to the intestine, let alone baby. You probably have more chance of getting alcohol through fermented fruit than that lol.

    Also, you know...I look at it this way. 100 years ago no one knew alcohol was so bad for baby, and you could buy cocaine in a bottle at the drugstore for the sniffles. Now how many preggos got the sniffles and probably ran to the corner in their little buggy real quick? And yet here you are alive and well today. Also, in Italy (and many other countries ) they definitely still drink a glass of wine with dinner...

    That's just my outlook on it though, I've had caffeine, a drink or two here or there of my moms wine, and the very occasional sip of my dads blue moon. So an odouls or Heineken non-alcoholic will be fine ;)
  • Ask your Dr cause studies don't know how much alcohol can hurt
  • And just a little piece of random info. Drinks can still have up to 2% I believe if they say 'non-alcoholic' but must have none whatsoever to say 'alcohol-free' :P
  • Omg, I've craved beer, and the funny thing is, I don't normally like it. I've had a few non alcoholic ones though. My doc laughed and said it was fine x x
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