Can cramping be normal?

edited July 2011 in First Trimester
I know I'm probably being paranoid & cramping can be normal in pregnancy but how do you know when its something to be concerned about?
I had a m/c back in Feb @ 10w1d, I'm currently pg again & 11w4d, I've had cramps on & off for the past few days, I've had no bleeding, still got heartburn, constipation, sore boobs but m/s seems to have disappeared. I've been so fed up this time, hardly told anyone I'm pg as been convinced will m/c again. Got my 1st scan on weds & really anxious & scared they'll tell me had a missed m/c.
Guess I'm just hoping for a bit of reassurance that the cramps & loss of m/s are normal from those who've been there


  • I had period like cramps til I was like 18 weeks. At almost 32 weeks now I still get them occasionally. I was told its due to the uterus stretching. Everyone is different, but try not to stress too much. As far as morning sickness, I didn't have it but I know it usually tapers off around 3 months, so you're close to that. Like I said everyone is different, so if you're really worried I would call your Dr.
  • Its just your uterus stretching. No worries unless there was bleeding too. It's understandable that you would be worried about it.
  • I had the same thing happen before and I'm currently 13 week 2 days and I still have cramping from time to time my doctor said its
    normal. I hope this gives you a little piece of mind
  • I had a lot of cramping at first no bleeding r anything n the doc said its normal I wouldn't stress n think positive!
  • I'm 15 w 1 d and still having cramps. Its normal. Stay positive like everyone else said! Unless its very sharp and really painful or you have bleeding dont stress to much... :)
  • Don't worry too much honn. Its most likely just the ligaments stretching for the baby. If that is the case it will probably start to hurt really bad on your sides. Just relax because you don't want to stress out the baby too much. Good luck! I' ll be p raying for you and baby!!
  • Thank you all for your comments am trying to think positive :-) & guess at least I only have 4 days to wait til my scan & then i'll know for def that everythings ok.
    Glad I have all you lovely pregly girls out there to ask advice from xxx
  • Oh my gosh I had period cramps all the way until about 18 weeks! My morning sickness came and went the entire first trimester but my boobs reallllly hurt the entire time...cramps that are not excruciating and no blood means that uterus of yours is preparing for baby, that's what my doc told me :) try to relax, we are thinking of you!!!!
  • My dr told me that its normal unless there's bleeding. I have cramping too. Drink lots of water.
  • I was freaking out about this too. I had a lot of cramping too. It stopped awhile later, then turned into a slicing pain. It's. All just stress on your pelvis and the uterus stretching... it's okay! But very annoying, I know. I hope it gets better for you soon. And as with anything, if you notice any bleeding, call your doctor asap. Other than that, it is super normal. Don't let anyone freak you out about it! :) I hope you get to enjoy being pregnant in the near future.
  • @starrxoxo9 @BeautifulOne @3_timer @Hot2Cold87 @Chevygirl @lindseynicole96
    @1sttimerarmywife @angel26 @bigtalkingtori
    Thanks again for trying to put me at ease with your comments, am feeling much less freaked out now after having my first u/s earlier today, seeing little one safe & sound & with a good heartbeat :)
  • Once you see the baby and hear the heart beat, I've heard that's a pretty good indication that they'll make it. I remember having terrible cramps at first especially right before I found out. I never bled tho.
  • :) No Problem hun. I'm glad everything is ok and ur feeling at ease.
  • If you can't stand or talk through a cramp then its too much. But it can be normal. Its also very normal to worry if you have had previous losses.
  • I'm glad you got to see your baby and hear the heart beat. It always makes me smile when I see its doing ok.
  • I have cramps off and on and my symtoms are on and off too she kicks all the time and her heart beat it really strong so it depends really id say as long as ur not bleading and cramping to the point u can't stand then id be worried I've had two mc so I feel u but my doc asured me she's alive and kicking both of the mcs where before 8 weeks I'm now 21 weeks and 2 days and she is kicking like crazy and its a girl :)
  • @willothewisp hooray!! What fun ultrasound news :) glad you got to see your healthy little baby \:D/
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