I am so angry

edited July 2011 in Loss
:O Just received my pregnancy test don't even want to look at them.Received a bill from emergency room and chp is supossed to cover the miscarriage. I am so mad. I really didn't know here to post it Chp says they would cover. Everything.What should I do. Has anyone. Ever had this happen?


  • edited July 2011
    With my sisters sons 6 month nicu bill is paid for by the state but she still gets bills. Call chp to confirm everything is still cool but your probably fine
  • Id be callin
  • Ohh yea I will be calling
  • My cousin had to take her baby to a special hospital in atlanta because she accidentally swallowed a watch battery and it corroded to her throat. They got a bill from the hospital but at the top it says for them their balance owed was nothing. The insurance did pay. I guess it's just mandatory for some hospitals to send you the bill as well. But if they told you they'd cover it and you got something saying it doesn't, the hospital can write it off and if they tell you they can't you can fight it.
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