racism...im on the verge of tears...

I log onto Facebook, just to see a message from some guy whose in the military with my ex (haven't been together for three years) telling me he doesn't understand how I could leave such a cool guy to be with some fatass and get pregnant with a nasty Indian baby. How can people be so cruel? And to degrade my unborn child? That's just taking it too damn far.


  • edited July 2011
    :O What the hell?! I would be sending a very STRONGLY worded reply back. Tell him to screw off! :-@
  • Wow! Sounds like he's realll mature! Don't let other peoples ignorance get to u hun, every baby is a beautiful blessing no matter what! :D
  • Shame on him!! I think Indian babies are the cutest in the world!! I would report him and block him...the stupid sucka$$
  • My first thought is why the Hell is this guy harassing you on Facebook when you haven't been with his friend in 3 years? Block his nasty racist ass!
  • Yes report n block he Dnt need a fb
  • @OregonMama Omg! Ahahahaha =D>
  • I like the idea of reporting him too. I think his superiors would give him a few choice words about degrading pregnant women.
  • Don't listen to him. Id bet that your ex put him up to it or egged him on. Its coming from pure ignorance and jealousy.
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  • I blocked him.

    And to make me feel worse, I told my bf about it, and all he could say is well its your problem and you dealt
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  • @mshahir that makes me sad....I hope your mom will see the error of her ways and will reconcile with you.

    My brother just this week was saying that my daughter was going to grow up different from me because she looks black....it took everything in me not to cuss his butt out. Idiot. I told him he was right because im not like mom and he said that school would be different for her and I told him ur right...I plan on homeschooling so it would be different for her. I was sho led he could say something so racist and stupid. I didn't take him as that type of guy
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  • That sucks o-+
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  • You just gotta ignore racist people..they are stupid and full of ignorant hate. I've dealt with it my whole life and yes it stings a little but in the end...their hurtful words don't really matter. I hate racist people, they suck. Look around, there are so many biracial babies and interracial couples, we are breaking barriers everday! That is a great thing. :-)
  • @jessedenver. Amen!! I totally agree. I heard an African minister say one time..."isnt god good he took one color brown and made everyone a diffrent shade of that color. Somehow people got it all twisted."
  • Child you are pregnant your emotions are really getting the best of you. I know your skin is tougher than that. Dont let peoples words get you all stressed and upset especially because they are just words, and they are on facebook. People are really bold when it comes down to posting ish online, so dont fret just shrug your shoulders and if you are going to reply tell him to stay blessed and keep it pushing. @everyone there are assholes everywhere including the Armed forces, I know from experience my Husband is a Black Marine in OREGON, trust words only have power when you give it other than that, they are just words/ Cheer up you are blessed....
  • dont let the racism get to u . keep ur head up. as long as u n ur,man r ok then its all good (:
  • O hell no!!! That's soo messed up! I was pissed the other day we went down town to watch the fireworks show n some lady got pissed at my fiance for something n screamed out that he was a f-in n. Word I hate that word we r both white too like white lol both Irish he's Irish n German I'm Irish n Hungarian..... people can be so ignorant! I can't stand people who are racist errr
  • edited July 2011
    @mshahir your mom is just like mine. I am white married to a Pakistani and she makes the meanest comments. I think the worse was when she Hung up a pic of my husband, me and our nephew at work. Someone asked why she had a pic of terrorists on her wall and she laughed, told me about it, and couldn't understand why I was bothered. As she said, "I better get used to people saying things like that because I'm with a Muslim." Her hatred is why I don't want her to have any contact with me or my son.
  • Sounds like a typical military man! Brush it off who is he to u? Nothing!
  • That's just plain jelousy! But I know how stupid remarks can get to you. Like today I get home from my baby shower my dads side of the family did for me and were getting the presents down and my father in law says " ohh he's almost here hu,wen are u guys making his pen out their with dodger?" (By the way dodger is their dogg) like really ur gonna sit here and call my son a fuken dog!! Ugh he might say it as playing around. But I don't. Not even my own family says stupid comments like that...
  • Grrr...people can be so inconsiderate and shallow. What a jackass.

    I say judi-chop his ass b-(

    @mshahir: have I ever told you that you are wildly hilarious and you make me giggle? :-))
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  • @mshahir that is horrible that you have had to endure such ignorance, especially from your mother! I think the true colors tend to come out in these types of situations and you can clearly see a person's motivations. It's good you severed ties.

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Anytime I would discuss the names we had picked for our baby (Muslim names), she would say "why are you compromising yourself?" When I said we'd raise our children Muslim and that I was thinking of converting, she again had to butt in and state her opinion (being a holy Christmas Catholic and all - meaning she just goes to church on Christmas).

    I plan to teach my kids to have open minds and to embrace all cultures and differences as an opportunity to learn. It sickens me the comments people make because my husband is from Pakistan (they assume he is a terrorist wife beater) and little do they know, he is is the most amazing man I have ever met. THEY are the people who miss out due to their racism.

    Anyway, long vent, but like you... I've decided to cut ties with my mother. I can't stomach her being around my kids with that type of attitude.

  • My ex said the same thing to me about the baby that I'm carrying and the worse part is my ex is a druggie who I just found out starting using herion and when our kids were visiting his mom he begged to go over and see them she let him and he stole her debit card and drained her bank account :(
  • F him he just mad he didn't get you pregnant. That is truly just jealousy.
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