I'm 33 weeks n' 3 days and my lower stomach is in pain, and (tmi) but, I feel pressure on my vagina and when I try to pee it hurts more... Is my baby already in positioned or could it be something else?
@excitedforbaby, thank you.. my baby moves a lot and it's kind of hard to tell what is what @SaraS, that's how I feel but wasn't for sure if baby is positioned right!
@Jess510, to be honest, I'm not for sure. I'm a ftm and still learning these things... Some people notice and can tell earlier than most while others are still waiting for their baby to be head down
I'm 30 weeks and I asked the doctor last week how can I tell if the baby has turned he said they start checking at 34 weeks because the baby can flip back and forth until delivery. I think mine is turned because I feel hickups down low and more kicks up top.
I feel hiccups on my right side by my ribs and kicks to my left I think she's transverse.. I used to feel her hiccups down by my vagina and dr told me she was head down but that was 3 weeks ago.
@homebirthadvocate sometimes it's hard to determine what are kicks and what are punches. I used to feel loooads of movement up by my right ribs and lumpy pressure by my left hip, so I assumed she was head down. I would also feel a lump pushing under my ribs sometimes, so I thought it'd be her foot or something. Turns out all the movement was up by her head, and she liked to push her head under my ribs. She didn't move her legs much at all in that position. I'm pretty sure she's flipped head down, now, however because the wiggling under my ribs is smaller and more precise. Plus I feel more movement near the center of my ribs, and about a week ago she was moving like mad in a counter-clockwise fashion. But I could be very, very mistaken.
@mythica, I'm the opposite of you, I feel lots of movement everywhere but feel lumpy movements on my right side.. I thought it was his head but it might be his butt! I really don't feel him kicking anymore, just a lot of movement and him squirming everywhere.
@homebirtgadvocate, thank you and I appreciate that you took some time to give me some advice.. I have an appt. next wed. So I can have my doctor give me some kind of knowledge on it.. I'm only 33 weeks, so I'm not really in a rush just wanted to know because I was admitted to the e.r yesterday because I was having contractions 4-5 mins apart but my cervix was not dilated so they sent me home. Which some what sucks because I want him here now but I know he needs more time to develop and grow
Okay I had actually did the.belly mapping and turned out I was right could of been s fluke but it was fun with me n bd playing guess that body part......... So what you are supposed to do is lay flat on your back first than run your hand down the side which ever side feels it had equal pressure all the way from tip to bottom (ribs to pelvic) that supposed to be the back then you take your hand and run it from left to right at the bottom if your belly if it feels round and firm that is the head if it feels round but squishy that's the baby butt like u said I don't know if it was a fluke but I got it right o.by the way she is heads down
@mommyof1 Thats what I thought, I'm 33 weeks now but at my 30 week apt is when she told me that it was babies butt there. She was pushing on my tummy feeling and said that was the butt, the head she could feel and she could feel an ARM. I was like hhmmmm haha pretty interesting & baby is still in that position. So maybe baby is head down like she said. All I feel ay the top is baby pushing their butt up on my right side. Every other movement is in the middle and lower part of my tummy. It's so crazy.
@SaraS, that's how I feel but wasn't for sure if baby is positioned right!
Thats what I thought, I'm 33 weeks now but at my 30 week apt is when she told me that it was babies butt there. She was pushing on my tummy feeling and said that was the butt, the head she could feel and she could feel an ARM. I was like hhmmmm haha pretty interesting & baby is still in that position. So maybe baby is head down like she said. All I feel ay the top is baby pushing their butt up on my right side. Every other movement is in the middle and lower part of my tummy. It's so crazy.