finally updating with the story... really long

edited July 2011 in Birth Stories
So I went in on Tuesday and was induced Wednesday and had my sweet baby boy at 435pm. Labor and delivery all went so easy and so well... Then all hell set in. I starting having some pain around 7pm and asked for some pain meds. At 8 those pain meds had done nothing at all for me and I asked for something through iv to take the edge off quick. At 925 and several iv pain meds later nothing had helped and the Dr comes in to check on me and I told him how much I was hurting and nothing was helping. After him examining me hr finds a vaginal hematoma that I have to go into surgery to have drained and repaired... My swelling was absolutely horrible looked like I had a watermelon down there and every Dr I saw would talk about how alarming it was... Well after 4 days in the hospital I was finally able to come home todaybbut still have my catheter til atleast Wednesday. I told my hubby I'm swearing off having any more kids, but I have the sweetest lil man who make it all worth it.


  • I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Your son will make you forget all about it :)
  • Thank goodness they addressed it and that you're ok. Congrats on your baby boy.
  • Awww. I'm so glad that things turned out great tho. :)
  • I can't imagine the horror! My vagina is the only thing that doesn't hurt since giving birth last week. Our boys make it better tho! Hope ur getting tons of help.
  • I have the most awesome husband who has been so very helpful and now my mom is staying with me day and night to help with my 3 year old and new baby and me. I'm glad that they found the problem and got it fixed... And thanks ladies just thought I would give everyone an update
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