its amazing what animals know and how they react

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
We were at the pet store today and my daughter an I were playing with thw cutest most playful dashound it was crawling all over her chewing on her dress and hair playing with the ball running over my legs chewing on toes then all of a sudden he'd hop up on my tummy or leg and lay aganist my tummy and be totaly calm sit for a min or 2 the hop down and play like crazy wouldn't lay calm with my daughter after about the 3rd time we realized he jumped up and layed aganist my tummy just before I had a bh and would lay there until it ended then go play again. I so wanted to take him home.


  • Adorable! It's amazing how smart animals can be. I have 2 puppies and they are certainly a handful.
  • This went on for over an hour. Even the guy working there noticed. That puppy would make a great thearpy pup
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