
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I just wana know how many of mommies to be drink coffee?


  • edited February 2011
    I sneak a cup here and there and my doc said that is ok. Small amounts of caffeine have been shown not to affect the baby - but most days I make it mixed with decaf.

    Otherwise, I follow ALL of the rules. My baby is measuring and testing just fine.
  • You can have a maximum of two cups of instant coffee a day and its healthy or I just drink decaf x
  • Ok i never craved coffee but today i think imadrink a cup
  • Coffee is fine. I'm having a lot of headaches and I think its from the lack of caffeine. I used to drink from 20-40 oz a day and now I just don't like it. My doc told me I should try to drink it to help w the headaches ...bleh lol
  • Lol drink sum!,lol
  • It upsets my stomach now. I can only drink it from McDonald's lol and right now I'm not working so I'm being good about not spending excess money! I'll have a lil soda every couple days, otherwise I either deal w it or take some tylenol
  • ...but YOU drink some for me, please?! Lmbo
  • I drink a small cup in the morning. It seems to keep me regular and not constipated :)
  • Lol @lwilliams17 I just posted about coffee making me poo on a constipation thread. Hehe guess it works!
  • I went to a portuguese bakery n got d best friggin coffee made me happy :D
  • Now I'm craving a nice hot creamy coffee...
  • @katlilly I know! ! It works like a charm!! Before being preggo, I was a coffee-holic LOL! Well I quit when I found out cause I wasn't sure if it was allowed. Then I read you could have up to 200 mg of caffeine a day, so I got back on it. Haven't been constipated since: )
  • I need to start having a cup again for the same reasons plus my headaches, just need to find some I like. Right now at home I have Starbucks and its gross. Need me some regular old Folgers really is the best part of waking up ;) @lwilliams17
  • @katlilly I just went to Walmart and got some Folgers decaf so I wont feel so guilty. Hopefully it had the same effects haha!
  • I drink one 20z from wawa a day but then I only drink water for the rest of the day so I dont have more then the 200mg of caffeine and all other drinks just have too much sugar.
  • I posted a list of how much caffeine is in different stuff undetermined a post called caffeine.
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