Emma's Diary & miscarriage

edited July 2011 in UK
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of registering on Emma's Diary: their unsubscribe function does not work. Hopefully this won't happen to any of you but I had the misfortune of miscarrying at 12 weeks & this morning, just like every Monday, I've received an Emma's Diary newsletter. Todays was week 26, I've tried to unsubscribe via every weekly email since I miscarried because obviously the last thing anyone needs at a time like this is a reminder every week of what would be happening to baby by now if the worst hadn't happened. I have emailed multiple times, called to unsubscribe (and was told I had been) & written without response. At a glance posts on the forum about this same issue go back at least 3 years & still nothing has been done to fix the problem.

So, your decision, do you still want to subscribe?


  • Oh tell me about it I lost 1 6 months ago and I was still getting emails so in the end I ditched the email and started a new 1
  • List it as Spam
  • I'm sorry for your loss but what is Emma's Diary?
  • Oh that must be horrible.
  • Its horrible I know. I tried all the unsubscribe options, still getting newsletters.. hope ur doing as well as can be expected @mischief x

    @krazymomofadrian its a weekly pregnancy "diary" with what you can expect etc
  • I received a letter/survey today from the National Opinion Network. The opening line said, "Congratulations on the recent birth of your baby!". Which would have been great, if I hadn't miscarried last September. I wrote them an email because it really upset me.
  • Oh i'm sorry that must be really hard. And that is really stupid that it does that.
  • I had some baby site that sent me all sorts of emails and updates after I miscarried at 10wks. In jan when my original due date was they sent me a congratulations and then all the 'your baby at 1 month!' and stuff which really upset me. I got pregnant again during that time so I had another set of updates with that but it still was upsetting ad I couldn't get them to friggen stop sending me stuff
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