Ok, serious question.
Hot water bottles in pregnancy for back ache. Yes or No? My sister is telling me No it will harm my baby. That it will bring on early labour. I told her it's as risky as having a hot bath and as I don't have one ATM I have been using my water bottle (heaven) I googled it but not much came up. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so thought I would ask you guys for your advice on this. Bare in mind I use it for my back only never on bare skin. I'm 25+1
I can barely get out of bed today because my back hurts so much from work so I'll probably be doing this too when I get up
Thanks for your input. I didn't think it was harmful. I would never put it on my stomach or on my bare skin. I would also only use hot water from the tap to fill it. But it really does help my back and with my braxton hicks