
edited February 2011 in Giving birth
So I'm new here and the first thing I want to say is hi to everyone! And nice to meet you all!
... Now that that's out of the way.. I'm pregnant with my 4th baby and am due 3/9/11 and I am totally terrified of giving birth again! I've done it naturally all 3 previous times but this time I'm second guessing myself as to whether or not I can do it again! Does anyone else have fears of giving birth?


  • My first was so quick and easy and I'm so scared that this one will be horrible. I reallllyyyy want to go natural, but I'm afraid I wont be able to. Wahhhh!! Lol
  • @katlilly Did you natural with your first? I'm scared of the epidural which is why I've never had one but I'm freakin out cause I have been facing the fact that I can go any day now and I know how bad it hurts and I'm always afraid something bad will happen!!
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  • I know what you mean lol my first was very quick and easy, completely natural at home. And 2 weeks early! I'm so scared of a long labour this time round and needles everywhere. I really hope this is reasonably easy and natural. Good luck to you ladies with your labours!
  • Yes, I went natural w the first. BUT I didn't get a choice bc I was already 10cm by the time I got to the hospital and delivered in 45 mins :)
  • @uncaffeinated_katie Well good luck to u during ur labor. I always seem to forget everything I learned in the classes and my husband is always so nervous all he can say is "breath.. its gonna be okay" lol so I hired a Doula this time around! Hopefully that will help!

    @SheridanLM1991 thank you for the luck I will definitely take it! I always have relatively short labors. The longest was 8 hrs and the shortest was 5 hrs! I'm just afraid of dieing or something else really bad happenening! Lol such a looney I guess..

    @katlilly how long was your total labor? I wish I could just arrive ready to push! Lol is the hospital far from ur home?
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  • @uncaffeinated_katie I'm not so scared of that part but I guess its because I already have 3 little ones! Lol I'm just a wuss when it comes to thinking about labor I guess..!
  • I hear w an epidural u don't get the urge to push and/or you push to hard at once and have more chance of ripping... I think I'm going to just man up and do natural thus is my first :)
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  • I was having random contractions the night before, so I went to the hospital in the am. They sent me home at about 12:30 and gave me some benadryl so I would relax and take a nap. Well, I woke up at 5:30 pm in crazy pain and I thought I had to poo. My mother in law is telling me I need to go back to the hospital, but I waited for a little bit gathering my things. Got to the hospital for 7 and my water broke. I delivered at 7:45. So I guess I was in labor for 3 hours? I don't really know bc I was sleeping! Lol
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  • I'm terrified this time because my last labor when.i was 7 cm my midwife broke my water and discovered I had a prolapse cord and my son almost didn't make it he spent 8 weeks at sick kids hospital and the first 3 weeks we didn't know I'd he would make it and if he did he would have severe brain damage well anyway he did make out thank god and is 13 months and perfect I'm just so terrifief of that happening again I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy sorry so long just so scared
  • @jay_brad & @uncaffeinate_katie I have heard the same things about the epi and that u can have crazy headaches after the birth etc. Which is why I'm scared of them!

    @katlilly That sounds like and awesome labor! I had a similar experience w/ my 2nd born. I went in to the hospital around 10am and they monitored me and sent me home. Went back around 2pm and once again sent home cause my cervix wasn't changing and they kept saying braxton hicks. Then at 9pm arrived by ambulance and cervix still hadn't changed but I was in terrible pain so they gave me stadol and put me to sleep. Woke up at 7am and thought I was dieing! Lol I was 7.5cm and I delivered him at 8:57am! I have no idea how long my labor actually was but he was 6w2d preemie and cord was wrapped around his neck.. I assume that's why I went into labor but they never did an u/s to find out why I was in such pain!

    @jpmommy what is a prolapsed cord?
  • Prolapsed cord is when the umbilical cord presents before the babys head in my case the umbilical cord hung threw the birth canal and my sons head but pressure on it depriving him of oxygen I was only 7cm when it happened I was having a homebirth and it took the ambulance 15 min to get to my house which is about 2 min from the hospital my son was deprived of oxygen for 47 min and it took them 35 min to get him intubated they were sure he would never walk or do anything for himself, he had a feeding tube for 6 months but now is perfect in every way
  • On one hand I'm hoping to have another quick birth, but in the other hand I'm afraid I'll deliver my baby into a shoe it will happenso fast like on I didn't know I was pregnant lol. Scary thought! I'm sure I wont be so lucky this time around!
    ** however, I did not tear or have to be cut!!**
  • @jpmommy I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you and ur son but I'm glad everything is okay! So he is completely normal developmentally now? My son is now being tested because they say he is on the autism spectrum and they're trying to figure out what exactly to diagnose him with! He is 2y8m old now. I just started to notice a problem when my 1y9m old started to be at the same "level" as he is and surpass him in some ways! I really hope ur son will not have to go through anything else and will be absolutely perfect!

    @katlilly I don't think u will deliver in a shoe! Lol after the 1st pregnancy u feel things like braxton hicks and most contractions that u never felt the 1st time around! I swear I never felt anything with my first. The morning I went into labor I thought I was feeling BH like the dr said I should and went to the hospital to get out of going to work! Lol I was 4-5 cm when I arrived at the hospital!
  • Lol sounds more funny when you say it ;)
  • @MoMmY_oF_4 so far he its developmentally perfect he could have troubles down the road with learning and such but so far its looking great I hope everything works out for your little one sometimes they just go at their own pace I know my 3yo wasnt talking when he was about 14 months but once my step daughters started coming around more he copied everything they did and now is insanely smart and can carry on a conversation with an adult using proper words and pronunciation lol he will catch on your younger one might be learning faster because of the older one
  • I have 4 boys and am pregnant with my 5th due April 24th. I had all natural births except for my last baby I got a shot in the back cause by the time the guy was there to do the epidural I was already at 9 cm. I swear I will NEVER have that again. By the time I had got the shot and I laid back on the bed I was ready to push. 10 minutes after my son was born imy legs and abd went numb. It was a waste of time and the vomiting and headaches afterwards are so not worth it. So this time I am going natural again. My youngest is 11 months old and I am in my 7th month I am so scared of having to go through all the labor again and the pain. Lol
  • @dess I feel the same way. People expect u to be better about it and not be so scared because you've done it b4 but I think the experience actually makes it worse cause u actually know what ur getting urself into for the most part!!
  • @jpmommy my son also had a prolapsed chord. I had originally went to the hospital because I thought my water was leaking & they tested and it wasn't but they had me hooked up to all the monitors & were monitoring my contractions, that I didn't even know I was having. The nurse kept asking me if I feel them because they were pretty strong, & I didn't. I was waiting for them to just send me home, but she kept coming in telling me they were going to watch me a little bit longer. Then hours later she comes in & tells me that the reason they wanted to monitor me was because I was having really strong contractions & with every one babys hr was dropping so they had the on call dr come in & check me... he said I needed to be induced so they put me on pitocin & put cervadil (sp) on my cervix to make me dilate. My doc came in to check on me in the morning & I was 8-9cms. He broke my water & checked me again and said that there was something blocking babys head. Seconds later a pop and another gush of water, I had two water bags. My doc said he was headed to his office that he had patients to see & to call over there when I was ready. As soon as he walked out babys hr dropped really low. The nurse said get on your hands & knees now in a panic, then yelled get the doctor! We need more nurses! Seconds later there's 20nurses in the room & my dr, they immediately rush me in the or for emergency c-section. Come to find out when my water broke the second time the gush of the water caused the chord to come rushing out before him. The nurse actually had to hold the chord up there & stop it from coming out. Very scary experience!
  • mommyof2naugust my experience with the waters was similar I was in my birth pool and my midwife broke my water and it just kept gushing and she realized something was wrong and had me jump out of the pool and get on all four and try to push but that's not possible when your only 7cm believe me don't try that lol but she had both her hands up there to keep his head off the cord (sorry tmi) we had to ride that way in the ambulance they told me when we get to the hospital they would do am emergency c-section but once I got there I got the urge and he was born within 30 seconds of getting in the hospital doors I didn't even feel him crown or anything one big push and out her came completely blue and limp the only thing that was good is his heart rate never went below 50 apparently that's a good thing his apgars were 3-3-3 the thing that saved his life was sick kids hospital "cooled" him they brought his body temp down to 30° and kept him cool for 3 days it keeps babies brains from swelling and I truly believe that's the only reason he is perfect today his mri,s showed minimal damage and the dr told me he suspected it to he severe damage with bleeding and he was amazed with how little there really was how did everything go with your little one after birth
  • I tried to explain that to my husband and he always says there's nothing to be scared of. Ha easy for him to say. I remember what it feels like and not to mention I'm a paramedic so I know the dangers of child birth and what can go wrong before during and after delivery. its scary to go through everything we have to.
  • @dess I try to tell my hubby the same thing and he says the same as yours! He doesn't realize how scared I am.. not only because I have to give birth but at 14wks I found out I have atrial tachycardia and pvc's and I just found out last week I tested GBS+!! He just has no idea! I'm so afraid I'm going to have a heart attack or something during my labor!
  • Oh wow, that is very scary. I'm glad hesok! :) my son was completely fine when my dr pulled him out, thank God. He's almost 18months now & very healthy and smart.
  • @MoMmY_oF_4. I completely understand. I've had a pulmonary embolish which is a blood clot that has went from my leg into my lung. So now I take a shot everyday to keep from having another blood clot. Tachycardia is very common in pregnancy due to extra blood that we have but is still scary and I think about things like what if I would have a heart attack too. Child birth is one of the most hardest things a woman has to go through and men just don't understand things like that. So is this your 4th or 5th baby? This is my 5th. I have 4 boys now and this one is also a boy. No more for me tho. I'm done. Lol.
  • @dess this will be my 4th. I have a 3.5 yr old girl, 2.5 yr old boy, 1.5 yr old girl and this 1 is another girl! How old are ur boys? I'm glad I have mostly girls cause for some reason I just can't seem to relate to my son! Lol men.. I just don't speak their language! I didn't know tachycardia was common in pregnancy.. they said pvc's were though! It still scares me but I'm sure everything will be fine. My anxiety does not help anything! Lol
  • I have a 10yr old boy 8 yr old boy 4 yr old boy and an 11month old boy and I am 31weeks right now with a boy. Lol. No girls for me but that's okay. PVC's are common and tachycardia is since we have so much blood flow. I am on a heart monitor to record the heart rate since mine is always going crazy. Lol. Oh I can't wait to have this baby so everything will go back to normal. Yeah the anxiety don't help. Lol. I have had problems with that and it seems like the closer I get to having my son the worse it gets and I stress over every little ache and pain there is. Lol. Atleast your getting to the end of your pregnancy and things will go back to normal. Well as normal as they can be with all the kids. Lol.
  • I completely support an epidural myself I never had to ask for it after about 12 hours in the hospital in labor not progressing I was freaking I remember turning to my husband saying I don't think I want to have a baby anymore. My doctor actually heard me in pain and just stepped in and said I think it is think for that epidural now. After it my labor still did not progress and they broke my water two hours later discovering mecolium which basically means baby went poopie before being born,to add to my list of problems I developed a fever we couldn't keep down. Having the epidural allowed me to face my Dr calmly when he said we have to do a c section now it took no time for them to have me in surgery. I had no effects from the epidural and would have been put under during the birth had I not already had one my SIS in law however had one with both her kids and the first went smoothly but the second she was quickly progressing and it only took one side because of that.
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