migranes & back pain

Hey ladies... I have been so miserable these past two weeks. I am 32+5 and I have had like 8 migranes (with visual obstructions) in the last two days... I have also had numbness in my hands and face (mouth mostly)... Idk what to do about any of it and now my kidneys hurt.. I have been to ER but they don't do anything... just send me home, no tests, no meds... I feel like I can't take this discomfort anymore and my doctor doesn't seem to understand... anyone have a similar situation or can offer me some advice on how to cope??


  • edited July 2011
    That's strange that they don't do anything for you. I'm 32 weeks and my doctor tells me that migranes and vision issues are a concern to watch out for. I know my doctor tells me that if my headache/migrane doesn't go away with tylenol then I have to go into l&d. Sometimes drinking lots of water can help, or if I feel a headache coming on, I drink a little caffine and it makes it go away. For back pain you can freeze a water bottle and lay or sit with it on your back, massages, warm baths, sitting on a exercise ball.
  • I don't have the migraines hun but I feel for u on the lower back pain! I just take hot showers and let the water hit my back forever.....I sleep propped up in a mountain of pillows. Good luck mama! Im 36 weeks and just waiting........
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  • @cait_septembermommy I know, I'm so mad that he hasn't done anything... I'm supposed to be high risk for preeclampsia since I delivered early with my son (25 weeks) but because my bp is fine he never takes my complaints seriously.

    @augustbaby I have spent tons of time in the shower... only thing that seems to help. Good luck with your delivery & I hope you get some relief soon.

    Thanks for the feedback!!!
  • edited July 2011
    @dncrcass I take tylenol (can take imitrex but it makes me nauseated) cold face masks and a double shot from Starbucks but the caffeine is getting to me now... I have never had this many migranes in a string... I'm worried its something more but I can't get my doc to help.
  • @myowndiaster23 thank u and good luck! And if your dr wont listen maybe go to hospital cuz headaches with visual can be sign of other things too. You watch after yourself and baby! Goodluck mamas!
  • @myowndisaster23. Oh, wow! Id be upset if my doctor was acting like that! And even if you don't have preeclampsia right now at almost 33 weeks, it can still develop later on. Do you have any other doctors in your office or nurses that you can talk to, to get a second opinion? Do your migranes go away with tylenol or are they constant?
  • @augustbaby yeah, I think ill go in and request a different doctor. They always call him but I'm sick & tired of nothing being done. Thanks again!!
  • Your welcome...take care!
  • @cait_septembermommy he is the only doc who delivers in that clinic so they always refer back to him but I think next time ill request someone else... they don't go away with tylenol, my vision just comes and goes. I take it like every three and a half hours now just to avoid some of the pain.
  • @myowndisaster23 yeah, I would deffinetly try and get someone else to talk to about it. If it keeps happening, it could be a sign of something bigger. Ihope you get it resolved!!
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