I just need support/words of encouragement *I'M HAVING CONTRACTIONS*

first off, I'm 19. I moved out of my mom's house when I was 16, because she made me absolutly hate everything about myself. well, due to financial problems, my fiance' and I moved in with my mom so he could find a decent paying job so we could get on our feet again. I was skeptical of doing it at first, but I knew it was the ONLY way we'd ever get ahead. Well, we've been here for almost 3 months, and I'm on the verge of causing myself to have another mental breakdown. I tried to have a conversation with my mom tonight about my baby shower last Saturday, and that I really don't like how people keep telling me how hard it's going to be, and that I'm never going to be able to do it by myself. I'm pretty sure raising a child is very hard, but I really don't care for all the negativity. She starts going off about how they're telling me that because I'm so immature and hardheaded and they want me to wake up. Why am I immature and hardheaded all of a sudden? I've been doing my best & trying my hardest to prepare for this baby. I thought I was doing so good! Then, I tried to explain to her that my fiancee is thinking about going back to his parent's house and working twice as hard to get us ahead, because he doesn't care for how I get treated here. Then, she's calling him an idiot for wanting to leave his job just because she doesn't "baby" me, and she says what's on her mind because this is HER house. What did my fiancee ever do to her to be called an idiot? If anything, she should appriciate him busting his ass throughout my entire pregnancy and being a man, instead of walking away like other men do. I feel like such a loser. As hard as I try, and as much effort as I put forward, I will NEVER be good enough, and I can't take it!!! She makes me feel so worthless, and I'm tired of beating myself up because of her!

Will ANY doctor take me as a new patient at 33 weeks 5 days? I HAVE to leave this house before I find myself slipping into another 5 year depression over what my mom thinks of me.


  • I don't have any answers but you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. You'll go far, hun, just keep your wits about you and do your best. Don't let anybody, including your mom, bring you down. I wish you luck and success and you and boyfriend and baby will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated, okay. (*)
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  • Hi, I'm 25+2 and 19. I don't live at home anymore. I can relate to parts of your issue. Keep strong don't listen to your mums words or anyone elses. Age is just a number. I know it's hard for you right now but you ju
  • Hi, I'm 25+2 and 19. I don't live at home anymore. I can relate to parts of your issue. Keep strong don't listen to your mums words or anyone elses. Age is just a number. I know it's hard for you right now but you just gotta smile and tell people that they can think what they like but you'll be proving them wrong very soon. I'm pretty sure you can switch anytime during pregnancy (I'm in the uk). I'm here if you need to chat. Just stay strong. I'm sure you will be an amazing mum. *hugs* >:D<
  • Hi, I'm 25+2 and 19. I don't live at home anymore. I can relate to parts of your issue. Keep strong don't listen to your mums words or anyone elses. Age is just a number. I know it's hard for you right now but you just gotta smile and tell people that they can think what they like but you'll be proving them wrong very soon. I'm pretty sure you can switch anytime during pregnancy (I'm in the uk). I'm here if you need to chat. Just stay strong. I'm sure you will be an amazing mum. *hugs* >:D<
  • If you have to relocate most drs will take you. There have been some ladies on here who have switched drs after 30 weeks. Do what healthy for you which sounds like getting. As far away from her as possible no one should ever make you feel so bad about yourself espically your mom. I know how you feel my mom makes me feel that way sometimes too and I'm 32 and live like 700 miles away. Good luck
  • I'm sorry to hear that. You are veryyy lucky to have him!! Do what is best for the two of you and your baby and don't worry about anyone else, esp if they are being negative. I'm sure it is hard to feel worthless and not good enough but in the end you will be good enough for your child and that is all that matters. You should definitely be able to switch doctors though... things happen and people have to move! They will just transfer your records over. Plus it's more of a loss for you not them because you don't have those months to get comfortable with your doctor. But if you don't care about that then they shouldn't tell you no! I hope everything works out for ya. <3
  • Well, it's nice to know that I'm not losing my mind. Thanks, ladies. My mom decided to start some big ole issue with the whole thing, just told me she wants nothing to do with me or the baby, and that she's washed her hands of me. I mean, seriously, am I THAT bad of a person for having feelings? I hate myself sooo much. I thought your parents are supposed to be the people that are there through every thing, thick and thin. So, why aren't mine? What did I do so wrong?

  • Hey I understand its your mom and her words mean a lot to you but sometimes you have to prove even family wrong... you can do it you seem like your a bright girl you will be fine the words are hurtful take it easy!!!
  • @2ndbutfirst See that's the thing, I have a mental disorder, supposedly. I was diagnosed Bipolar at 9 years old, which is contradictory in itself, because MOST people with Bipolar Disorder aren't diagnosed until they're an adult. So, if I am Bipolar, then how come I'm not on any meds, and I don't have any type of mood swings or anything like that when I'm not around her? She manipulated the system. Everything that EVER went wrong was, in fact, my fault. So, when the doctors saw a 9 year old who had one version to a story, and the parent with a total different one, of course they sided with the parent. I truly believe that my mom does have some kind of mental disorder that she doesn't want to address because it's easier to blame someone else instead of seeing her own faults/problems. She's her own person, and that's her decision, but if she chooses not to seek help, she shouldn't take it out on everyone around her, either. But, she came to the conclusion that she doesn't want anything to do with me or my unborn daughter, so when my fiancee gets home from work, we're just gonna pack up and leave.
  • Sounds like your moms got her head stuck to far up her ass to see that you're a good person a deserve better. I'm sorry she's makin you feel so bad
  • @mybabe She doesn't matter anymore. My dad walked out on me when I was little, and my whole life, I couldn't stress enough how much I hated parents who walk out on their children. She wants me out of her life, fine. That's her peroggotive (sp). But, from this point on the feeling is mutual, ya know what I mean?
  • @camommy It's all going to be okay. She just proved to me what type of person she truly is, and I'd rather not have that type of person involved in my daughter's life, anyway. It's going to be hard to forget about my mom, but it's something that's for the best.
  • @camommy It's all going to be okay. She just proved to me what type of person she truly is, and I'd rather not have that type of person involved in my daughter's life, anyway. It's going to be hard to forget about my mom, but it's something that's for the best.
  • sorry, I don't know why it posted that many times..
  • @2ndbutfirst Wow, that's crazy, but definately reassuring! My e-mail is adrieannahmcbride@yahoo.com I don't know how often I'm going to be able to check it, but I'll try as much as I can.
  • I'm having really bad contractions in my back about 45 minutes apart or so. My fiance's home, so we're packing up and all. We really can't go to L&D, because we won't be able to get back in the house. Tonight just sucks!
  • I'm having really bad contractions in my back about 45 minutes apart or so. My fiance's home, so we're packing up and all. We really can't go to L&D, because we won't be able to get back in the house. Tonight just sucks!
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  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle I figured it wasn't, but I put it out there just in case I was wrong.
  • So many women do it alone and you seem to have him. I am so sorry, just hold off and calm down. If you start to leak your amniotic fluid GO TO L&D. You can get an infection so easily. They should keep you if your fluid breaks. Please be careful hun. Much love and try to relax.
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