gestational diabetes anyone?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Sadly I have been diagnosed with diabetes. I don't eat very much at a time and now they are forcing me to eat 6 times a day. anyone have.any helpful food tips?


  • I can't even began to tell you...... I have it to and my sugar is so outta control i have to take pills starting tomorrow
  • It gets easier. I gave gd and my numbers were so out if whack the first week I didn't think I'd ever get it normal since I'm what they call a snacker..i don't eat meals but instead just snack throughout the day, but when they told me I might have to take insulin I made sure to eat 3 meals and atleast 2 snacks..

    for breakfast I usually have toast and hardboiled eggs or a bowl of fibre 1 cereal with banana..then yogurt for snack..lunch I make sure to eat something with lots of protein and salad..and dinner usually chicken with rice, mixed veggies and a lot of water..midnight snack is crackers and cheese... goodluck to you
  • Thanks. I'm a texture person so i don't like eggs. Usually toast with pnut butter for breakfast cheese and.crackers yogurt pnut butter ughhh I'm over it already. I want a darn slurpee
  • what I found is it's not so much the sugar, but the carbs that make my glucose level go crazy, so anytime I have anything sweet or lots of carbs, I make sure to eat something high in protein to offset it
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