membrane sweep-39wks,1cm and thick cervix

edited July 2011 in July 2011
Has anyone had any luck not being progressed much and had the sweep done?i wana do an all natural labor and delivery but the doctors are wanting to induce if she hasnt came by her due date on the 18th..just wondering about other experiences from the sweep...


  • With my first son I got the membrane sweep two days before my due date. I was 1cm dilated but I don't remember my effacement. By the next morning contractions started and I delivered him on my due date. I plan to have it done next week for this baby if he doesn't make an appearance. It is uncomfortable but I told the Dr. I would rather do that than be induced with pictocin. Hope that helped a bit. :)
  • I had mines done at the beginning of my 38wks and had him a week later. My sister did it and her water broke on the table then and there. I think it differs for people. Good luck
  • Well i had my sweep and. Lost my plug the next morning but its been 3days and contractionsnever got any closer then 15minutes so i gues my girl is stubborn and wants to stay a little longer.
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