anyone get really dizzy at times?

everyday I get supeeerrr dizzy. Like today I got really dizzy and I have a lot of errands to run and I don't think I can drive because im so dizzy. Anyone know how to help or has this happening to them??


  • I get dizzy when I get up too fast or when I dont eat on time.
  • Yeah it happens when I dont eat too. But sometimes, im just like laying there and the room starts spinning like crazy. Idk what it is. It happened to me on Saturday while I was driving on the freeway. It was so bad my boyfriend had to drive us back home and then take me to the er. I just don't know what to do about it??
  • I did. My dr told me the baby was laying on blood vessels in my stomach. Keep a slim jim in your purse in case you do get dizzy.
  • I get dizzy alot my doc said it's from getting up too fast not eating on time thinking too much stressing cause our bodys are working for two so it's working even harder.
  • thats happened to me too and my dr said that i wasnt drinking enough water... not soda, or juice, water... maybe thatll help
  • Wow. Lots of tips. Thanks guys(: I guess I gotta drink more water. Ha
  • Felt light headed and a lil dizzy dr said my blood pressure was a lil low....plasenta is getting bigger. :L
  • Yea I was told from loe blood pressure and all the extra blood pumping through our bodies now and also not eating enough
  • I went to the hospital because I needed to be good fit my other kifs and they ran bloods n everything turned out I was dehydrated, also my dr told me I had a slight abnormality in my heart but the hospital found nothing anyway all three best
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