Is God giving me a sign?

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
My Husband and I went in for our first ultrasound..I loved seeing my little bubba..we seen the very strong..ultrasound technician stated there was a little bleeding around my gestational sac..she claims its nothing major and she was going to let the doctor know of my results..The doctor walks in and the first thing she says is" whats up with you and these pregnancies?" I took offense but my husband just stated she may have a dry sense of humor.. My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage..I was 11 weeks in and I woke up went to the bathroom and there was dark blood.. Prior to this..I was having a backache that would not go away, no matter what I did..went to the Er and it was confirmed that our baby stopped developing at 9 weeks.. A Dnc was done on Sept.2nd to remove my baby. Results were sent in for testing and my results did come back about a month later stating it was due to chromosomal abnormalities. I am unsure of what to do, I have begun to distance myself from my husband..we have problems within this marriage and ifanyone has read my last post, you would understand..I am at a lost for words, from loosing one baby, to issues with my husband, and now worrying that I am going to lose this one is way too much stress for me to handle..How does everyone cope with stress while being pregnant?


  • Docs told me the same thing at 12 weeks they also said it either absorbs into the uterus or comes out, it can be a problem, and it can be nothing..appt this morning he said it doesnt look as big as it did on the last ultra sound, bby is healthy and doing great, im just gunna keep my faith and trust tht God will bring us through these next 5 months, and not worry..altho its so easy to worry, I pray my wau through now 15 1/2 weeks so lets keep one another liftedup. We will be holding our bundles of joy in no time :)
  • Well that was pretty tacky of her to say such a thing. I thought when my ob just.said " fetal demise" like it was just something normal like the weather was terrible
  • God is definately not givin you a sign. God does not cause bad things to happen. I totally understand what you're going through. I had a m/c at @9 weeks this past september. I am now 10 weeks and haven't had any problems soo far. I'm still concerned of course of m/c again. My marriage is not the best, but we seem to be making it work for the time being. I think hormonal changes are making it more difficult, sooo sensitive about everything. Please try and remain positive and keep praying. If God doesn't take your problems away, he will give you the strength to get through them.
    Good luck to you. I wish you the best with your pregnancy.
  • I had a miscarriage at 24 weeks. My baby Jack went home to be with Lord three year ago tomorrow. So I know what you are going through. My heart breaks for you. Please know that God walks with you through this. He is a loving Father and you are his child. Bad things happen because we live in world that is falling apart. Not because God is trying to punish us. I will be praying for you.
  • Thank You ladies for the words of encouragement.I know the Good Lord is not punishing me, but I have questioned if this marriage is meant for me and my husband and if we are meant to have a child together. I am definitely holding this as a blessing from God and continuing to pray that our baby will make of luck to each woman preparing for a blessing to arrive..@ladeebug thank you very much..and I agree..we will be holding our bundles of joy in no time:)
  • Also Adding...I know this post seems as though I am questioning God for His plan for our lives, but that is not what I'm doing..I'm just very emotional and feeling confused..
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