heres what I think
I had my first bf support group yesterday and there were 14 women there, some who brought older children and all ladies lifted or lowered their tops like it was nothing. The older children didnt stop and stare or act weird, it was normal for them. So talking to these women and a dew others I realized somethings. And honestly pregly rubs me the wrong way on this topic... So heres my rant!
BF in public, its not disgusting, a woman is providing nourishment to her child, the best kind too! If you have an encyclopedia or anatomy books theres nipples, hell look at whats on tv or ads, so nursing a baby is,not too much. I dont agree with being topless or anything, but I actually hate pregly and ignorant people for.hating on women feeding their child. from reading the forum and talking to different people, I was petrified to feed in public and I got a few diff ccovers, but my boobs are like twice the size of my baby's head, and I need to see my nipple for my baby to latch on properly. So my nipple might be :gasp: exposed for 5 seconds, but after shes latched on, theres no nudity or anything, and if the whole 25 seconds of my nipple showing (latch on, off, other boob, off) then thats your problem.. Its more the person looking who has the problem.
Also I dont think its cool for anyone to bitch about how old is too old. The World Health Organization recommends at least tobage 2 and up to age 7. It may not be my cup of tea or yours but we all have freewill to parent however we choose. I plan on feeding for at least a yr, and I'll deal with the weird looks on my own
BF in public, its not disgusting, a woman is providing nourishment to her child, the best kind too! If you have an encyclopedia or anatomy books theres nipples, hell look at whats on tv or ads, so nursing a baby is,not too much. I dont agree with being topless or anything, but I actually hate pregly and ignorant people for.hating on women feeding their child. from reading the forum and talking to different people, I was petrified to feed in public and I got a few diff ccovers, but my boobs are like twice the size of my baby's head, and I need to see my nipple for my baby to latch on properly. So my nipple might be :gasp: exposed for 5 seconds, but after shes latched on, theres no nudity or anything, and if the whole 25 seconds of my nipple showing (latch on, off, other boob, off) then thats your problem.. Its more the person looking who has the problem.
Also I dont think its cool for anyone to bitch about how old is too old. The World Health Organization recommends at least tobage 2 and up to age 7. It may not be my cup of tea or yours but we all have freewill to parent however we choose. I plan on feeding for at least a yr, and I'll deal with the weird looks on my own
The age thing I'm not to sure about but each to their own, its a personal decision to breast feed and a personal decision when to stop
@littlenat86 yes! So true, if it isnt viewed as taboo by society it'd be fine. And I just think the age thing shouldnt be viewed so negative, its personal choice. I know by talking to a few moms they bf til 14-19 months.
@beautifulone true, and if they can have their opinions we can have ours too right.
I got it!
Like omg! Can you believe SHE thinks BF is gross and is complaining bout it? So what you seen a nip, look on your chest, OMG u got one too! Smh
My biggest thing is I need fast access to open and close
We are making a statement about breastfeeding in public and not being ashamed about it, and even brought up age. But nothing about breast milk being "superior" against formula. Also, with the Le Leche League, they are very respectful towards those who can't breastfeed for what ever reason and don't march around proclaiming that what they can provide their baby is better then what you can.
Please don't try to start the drama on this post about "Breastmilkers thinking that they are better then those who feed their babies formula" when that was never brought up.