So my doc is gonna stripe my membrane 2day...who has done this and does it hurt? How is it done ??? I have never had this done when I was PG with my other kids..
I wanna ask for them to do mine next week (I'll be 38wks and 4days) if I've progressed more I heard if you're dilated and effaced a good bit it'll have good results. My cousin got hers sweeped at 38 wks, went to the mall and walked for 2 hours after and had her baby that night! Are you dilated or effaced any?
@BentleysMommy sorry I just got back it hurt I was dilated @ a good 3 he said and 70 thinned out so he said he feels forsure anytime this week but if not he wants to induce this Tuesday my lil man will be here soon
That's such good news! I was 75% effaced, 2cm dilated, and baby was very low when shee checked me today so if I haven't had him by next Thursday, I'm gonna ask her if she'll strip mine.