This is for the crafty mommas or mommies who know about ribbon

edited July 2011 in Baby showers
Does anyone know a website that sells ribbon by the yard or spool? I need white iridescent ribbon its the shiny type that's usually used for floral arrangements. I need it for my baby shower and Ive tried eBay but there's only one person selling it and its a little expensive for how much i need.


  • Well I know hobby lobby sells it half price every other week here. A lot of times you can get it for 50 cents to $1.
  • A craft store near you? Or maybe call a flower place and ask them. They may have some they could sell or order you some when they do their next order
  • You already tried Michael's and Joanne fabrics ...btw sorry I'm not a crafty momma.
  • ive tried most of the places but not a flower place thats a good suggestion @Samantha. @mommyof3tobe im not a crafty momma either lol i just thought it would of caught their attention.thanks ladies
  • Im not very crafty either. Maybe if a floral shop won't sell some ask where they get it.
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