Inducing Labor; Help

edited July 2011 in Labor
So I'm Already 1 day shy of 39 wks n I want to try something to get this labor actually goin... I was even looking for Castro oil at the grocery store.. so ? Is Wat is Castro oil is it cooking oil? I know it kinda dumb but I never really needed it.. this is my 3rd pregnancy n I'm ready for it to end... Dr said it was fine to try home remedies but I'm kinda blank... n I'm already 2.5 dilated so if u know of anything I can do to jump start it would be great.... thanks


  • Try the cinnamon tea didnt do much for me but I had a few contractions from it

  • raspberry leaf tea did the work for me...I drank it like all the time and went into labor within 2 days...hehe not sure if it was the tea or not.
  • @allie8956 where do you find raspberry leaf tea?? I only find the herbs.. not the actual tea..
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  • @allies8955 I will try that 1 st it dnt sound bad...

    @mommy2isaiahngiselle thanks so much for filln me in... I wudve never found it..LOL... have u tried it?
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  • Lol.. well ill keep that in mind... if it dnt wrk thn ill know the times not right... r u dilated any? @mommy2isaiahngiselle ?
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  • Oh wow... that must b a dread... not looking forward to the exact date I want her out ASAP... LOL good luck... @mommy2isaiahngiselle
  • Try a brisk walk (as fast as you can manage 9mo preggo, lol) for at least 1 hour; it worked overnight for my bff. I tried it the other day & got contractions for a few hours, but then they stopped. I was only 37+1 so I decided to try again in a week or so if she hasn't come yet. Good luck! :)
  • @vette_devil yea I think I will try that... idk if I can go for an hour cuz lately I been real swollen...LOL but I been wrkn my whole pregnancy n thought that might help...jst went for maternity leave today... so we will see if it wrks... * Labor Dust *
  • Good luck & let me know how it goes!!! :)
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