I hate when..

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
My baby boy moves a lot a couple days in a row than hardly moves at all a few days in a row... I'm 23 weeks...I can't wait for it to be consistent!!! When did you feel consistent movements?


  • I'm 31 weeks and I've gotten consistent movement for a few weeks now. Sometimes the movements are so strong and feels so weird!
  • I think because he still has lots of fluid so depending on his position, its hard to feel him at 23wks.
  • Yeah I know he has a lot of room still, that's why I try not to worry. I was at l&d on Friday for contractions and leaking fluid and they had the heartbeat thing strapped around my belly and every time they found it he would move and it took them a while to find it again. :) I just was wondering when others found they were feeling baby more consistently?
  • My doctor told me last week at 28 weeks they get consistant. I was the same way and I would get really worried, but I'm 26 weeks and 3 days.
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