6 days until due date!?!

I don't k now if I'm excited, nervous, impatient or what! I'm due the 19th with my first and I haven't dialated at all, but my dads birthday is the 30th and he'll go nuts if I have the first grand baby/little boy in our family on his birthday!! I just want to meet my son already, I'm watching the clock but I have no ideal of the day or time :-((


  • I hated that!! I was soo a June mom thrn he went 8days over and that week was pure boring torture! I hope he comes on that special day :)
  • Yeah!!!hope he comes when you want him too. I have 9. Days so i'm sending you labor dust but please send it back when your done with it lol.
  • I know what your feeling I'm due in 6 days too & all these emotions, wow. My moms Birthday was this past Monday & she wanted me to have the last grandbaby on her b day & its a girl. They will come when they are ready. Good luck!
  • Thanks everybody! @stella I'll return it lol 8->
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